Thursday 31 March 2016

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money Online by Nicholas Tart

In 2008 I had an idea for an internet-based business.
I did a little research, wrote up a business plan, and figured

Money Problems? 4 Mistakes People Make With Money

money stuffed under mattress

If you don’t have the right knowledge, you could be making money mistakes | Source: iStock
Handling money can be difficult, particularly if you learned poor financial lessons from your parents; when you model what you learned, you may make mistakes without even realizing it. Perhaps you learned from your parents, or your parents never talked to you about money, or you simply ignored the good advice your parents gave you. Whatever the reason you are having money problems, if you are making mistakes with money, it’s important to realize it.
If you frequently don’t have enough money, that should alert you to the fact that you are making mistakes with your money; this includes not being able to pay your bills, being unable to save any money, and forgetting how you spent your money. If you frequently lack sufficient funds, or you are simply not saving, it’s time to look at your financial choices. Here are four common money mistakes that you may be making.

1. Spending too much money on your home

Whether you rent or you own, you shouldn’t be spending too much on your housing. Just how much is too much can be difficult to determine, but if you’re having trouble paying your bills

7 Things That Make Achievers More Confident!!!

Eleanor Roosevelt said, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”
It’s no secret that

Snoop Dogg Launches Video Series 'To Dispel Lazy Stoner Stereotype'

In the fall of 2015, music artist, businessman, and cannabis-enthusiast Snoop Dogg launched Merry Jane, a web site and platform to offer “resources on culture, news, video, food and style dedicated to expressing a new cannabis mentality.”  Part business and part advocacy platform, Merry Jane’s latest offering is “Highly Productive” a series of short videos profiling successful business people who use cannabis. The series was created to help banish the stereotype of the lazy stoner which is often linked to the negative reputation of cannabis, according to publicist Katie Jang.

The first video, released today, showcases Lagunitas CEO Tony Magee who brews American IPA style beer in Petaluma, CA. He talks about his beer production, philosophy on life and cannabis use. Six more videos are planned for the series and will be released about once a month. Each will be about five minutes long.

Other videos on the site include Snoop chatting with friends, and short clips suggesting food and cannabis pairings. Many more varieties of video content are in the works according to the company.
Normalizing cannabis use and removing its negative stigma is a goal of Snoop Dogg as a business owner and personal use advocate. While most marijuana-related businesses are small local companies, mostly due to differences between state laws and the continuing illegality of the substance federally, Snoop Dog is one of a handful of famous personalities to enter the market with their personal brand.

Click here to see the Highly Productive video

Snoop Dogg’s new weed lifestyle site will hopefully help people “come out of the closet” as marijuana fans, he said Monday. (Photo by Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch)  

personal question!!! what are you planning to launch that will increase the figures in your bank account?

Is He/she your soul mate?

Couple looking at each other

Couple in love | Source: iStock
People will come in and out of your life, but once you settle down with the one you desire to spend your life with, it’s important to evaluate the health of the relationship. Entering a union with the wrong person could have a negative impact not only on your emotional health but also your physical health. How do you know you’re in a healthy relationship? Here are seven signs you’re with someone who has your best interests at heart.

1. You give each other space

Quality time is great (and necessary), but

The Wrong Answers to 5 Common Job Interview Questions

job interview at career fair
There’s a right and wrong way to answer common interview questions| Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
You’ve picked the perfect suit and honed your elevator pitch, but if you haven’t rehearsed your answers to common job interview questions, you might have already lost out on the offer before you shake hands with the hiring manager. Being prepared to answer certain generic questions about your goals, experience, and interest in a position is essential if you’re on the hunt for a new position. Flubbing your responses, on the other hand, can send your resume straight to the recycling bin.
Though you’ll likely hear the same questions again and again over the course of your job hunt, it’s still easy to make mistakes, especially if you answer off the cuff or make the mistake of being too honest in your replies. If you want to impress a potential employer, review these five incorrect answers to common interview questions and find out what you should say instead.

1. “Why do you want to work here?”

Wrong answers: “I need a job,” “I want a shorter commute,” or

The Top African Billionaires 2016

There are 24 African billionaires this year, down from 28 last year. Tanzanian businessman and former politician Rostam Azizi, pharmaceuticals tycoon Stephan Saad and Ugandan real estate mogul Sudhir Ruparelia narrowly missed the cut this year. Moroccan banker Miloud Chaabi and Egyptian hotel tycoon Samih Sawiris also missed out.
Mohammed Dewji of Tanzania is still the youngest billionaire in Africa with a fortune FORBES estimates at $1.09 billion. Dewji, 40, debuted on the FORBES list of the World’s Billionaires last year with a $1.3 billion fortune at the time. He has lost $200 million on the back of a weaker Tanzanian shilling. Dewji is the CEO of METL Group, a Tanzanian conglomerate with interests in textiles, edible oils and transportation.
The biggest gainer among the African billionaires is Mike Adenuga, a Nigerian businessman who is now worth $10 billion, up from $4 billion a year ago. The significant jump in Adenuga’s fortune is attributable to new information on the value of his telecom, oil and real estate holdings.
Angolan investor Isabel dos Santos and oil tycoon Folorunsho Alakija of Nigeria still remain the only two female billionaires on the continent.
Meet the 23 richest people in Africa:
  1. Aliko Dangote, Nigerian
    Net Worth: $14.4 billion
    Source Of Wealth:

MARIJUANA: the brain teaser

There's a new report out on longtime marijuana use. And it's bad news for habitual stoners.
In summary: The more pot you smoke, the more apt you are to be a loser.
And it’s not so much that

Wednesday 30 March 2016

6 Productivity Tips from Famous People

What does it take to be successful? Genetics? A brilliant, innovative mind? Not really. Based on anecdotes from famous successful people, it is often the little things, applied routinely and diligently, that can push you over the edge. Lifehack recently rounded up a slew of productivity tips from famous names, and some of their advice is brilliant in its innocuousness. Here are some intriguing examples:
Vladimir Nabokov used 5-by-8 inch notecards to lay out his novels. The cards allowed him to compose and reorder his scenes quickly and efficiently.
Stephen King’s voluminous output is not, as most people suspect, due to a deal with Satan. Instead, King says that he writes 10 pages a day. Every day — including holidays.
Bill Gates cites being impulsive as a powerful attribute. He says

This is what happens when you take a break from exercising

  • what happens to body when take a break from working out
    Photo: Getty Images
    Getting back to the gym after taking a small hiatus can feel like lifting weights for the very first time. And if you've ever tried to run after taking some time off, you know how painful that can be. The change is real, and pretty discouraging — physically and mentally. But how much is that really throwing you off your fitness goal? And how long is too long before you've disrupted all that hard work you put in?
    Here's what happens to your body when you fall off the workout wagon (hey, life happens), and how much progress you really lose. 
    Skipping workouts for a few days, or even a week, really isn't going to do much.
    In fact,

    7 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore!!!

    man sitting on the bed feeling sick
    Man feeling sick | Source: iStock
    Oftentimes we brush off minor health symptoms, like a headache or nausea, for a flu or cold bug. Unless there is something out of the ordinary, we normally don’t think twice about going to the doctor or keep a close eye on how that symptom progresses.
    Yet there are some health symptoms that you really shouldn’t pass off as a minor ailment. Not that every symptom leads to a fatal illness, but we may be overlooking some sicknesses that can be cured with a simple dosage of antibiotics.
    “You know your body best,” says Len Lichtenfeld, M.D., deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. “When you see or feel something different or just feel ‘off,’ pay attention; don’t dismiss it.”
    Whether you are the type of person who swears off the doctor or mistakes a small pain for a cancerous tumor (thanks WebMD), the information in this article may be of good use to you. Read on for the health symptoms that you should never ignore.

    1. Changes in bowel habits

    Staying regular is crucial in staying healthy because that is how we remove waste from our bodies. The problem is that normal bowel movements vary for every person, yet one can tell when an issue arises in their regularity by noting the smell, shape, color, consistency, and frequency and whether that suddenly changes.

    Scientific Breakthrough!!! Is this really the cure to HIV and AIDS?

    In February 2007, Timothy Ray Brown was HIV-positive. In March 2016, he is not. The so-called "Berlin patient" is the only person ever to have been cured of HIV, following two bone marrow transplants he received as treatment for leukemia — the first in 2007 and the second in 2008. Despite the success of the procedure, there's no actual cure for HIV, nor is there a cure for AIDS. 
    "At the time we were doing the transplant, we knew we were doing something very special that could change the whole medical world if it worked," German physician Gero Hütter said of the operation. 

    Medical advances have certainly changed the meaning of coping with HIV — indeed, they've made it possible to live a long time with the virus. Still, it's no exaggeration to say that such a cure for HIV could change the world for the approximately 35 million people in it who are living with the virus. So why hasn't it?

    Timothy Ray Brown, the Berlin patient — the only person ever to have been cured of HIV.
    Source: Eric Risberg/AP
    In short, because the genetic mutation that

    how to stay motivated every single day!!!

    Let's learn from Michael Phelps, one of the best swimmers in the world!!!
    Quote from Micheal Phelps:
    “The biggest thing is I talk about how I got to where I am—a dream, a plan and I reach for it. That's literally all - how I got to where I am. And that's literally just what I try to—get across to the kids. And, you know, they see that and, you know, the cool thing is, being able to, one, hear the stories about

    7 Things Financially Successful People Refuse to Do

    What are a few financial goals you're aspiring to reach?
    Perhaps you want to pay off debt, save $2 million for retirement, or give more than you ever thought possible.
    One of the best ways to get where you want to go in life is to look at the lives of those who have arrived. How did they accomplish these goals? What made the difference for them? Are these things you can do, too?
    Sometimes, it's easy to put limitations on ourselves. We think that because of this or that circumstance, we'll never reach our goals. Why think like that? Is that helpful? Of course not.
    The truth is, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. But it's not just what they choose to do that matters, it's what they refuse to do that matters as well.
    Let's take a look at some things enormously financially successful people refuse to do.

    1. They refuse to dwell on their success.

    Imagine you've done something and seen some success. Maybe you started a business and are making decent money. Perhaps you built something nobody has ever built before. You might have even landed your dream job.
    It can be tempting to dwell on success to the point that innovation comes to a screeching halt. After all, you've made it, right? Well, not quite yet. If your goal is to be enormously successful with your finances, it's best to take this advice from Steve Jobs:

    Why it's so important to follow your heart..

    Why it's so important to follow your heart... (2 Minute Video) by Joel Brown


    This is a short video to give you

    Are you sincerely happy?

    Happiness is beautiful, i bet you agree, yet never stable, why? simply because there are two sides to everything.
    Yet, we should not forget that our happiness depends

    Sunday 27 March 2016

    Lionel Messi - I don't compare myself to Ronaldo

    Barcelona star Lionel Messi has reiterated that he does not care about comparisons with Cristiano Ronaldo or any other players as he is only focused on his own performances.
    The Argentina international's achievements are often contrasted to those of the Real Madrid star, but Messi remains unperturbed by such talk and says he is only thinking about helping his team to success.
    "The press is always looking for comparisons and those kinds of things," the 28-year-old told MBC. "The only thing I care about is helping my team and to keep on improving each season.

    7 Foods That Can Help You Sleep Better at Night

    Source: iStock
    Source: iStock
    Nutrition can affect everything from energy levels to disease prevention to stress relief. Food choices also have the power to encourage or discourage a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown people who are sleep-deprived are more likely to eat unhealthy, high-calorie foods. To break this vicious cycle, you’ll need to rethink your eating habits from morning until night. Several small meals throughout the day, for example, will help you sleep better. Eating a large meal late at night, however, can disrupt your body’s sleep cycle.

    Lionel Messi: "I Would Be Proud to Meet Barack Obama"

    Manuel Queimadelos Alonso/Getty Images
    The Argentine star wants to meet the American president, who had earlier said he was in favor of a meeting.
    Lionel Messi has responded to comments from Barack Obama saying the president and his two daughters would like to meet the FC Barcelona and Argentina star.
    "Obviously, I was surprised that Obama said that, but on the contrary, for me it would be completely the opposite," Messi stated. "For me it would be a source of great pride to be able to meet him and his daughters, but obviously I know it would be complicated."

    5 Ways to Lower Your Stress Levels Nikelle Murphy More Articles

    Source: iStock
    Source: iStock
    Whether you’d like to admit it or not, stress is probably playing some sort of role in your life. It’s a six-letter word that can deprive you of sleep, make you less productive at work, and cause tension in your family. Stress can pop up in so many areas of life that it’s difficult to name them all — from financial woes to the death of a loved one to troubles at work, varying levels of anxiety can be present at almost every turn. The trick is to recognize stress and figure out ways to manage it, so that you can move on quickly and not let it become like quicksand.
    It’s important to recognize stress triggers, as men and women tend to react differently to various situations. Men are much more likely to view work as a stressor, for example, but aren’t quite as likely to get worked up about financial problems or the economy, according to the American Psychological Association. Women tend to share their stress with others, and become more vocally social about what’s got them worried. Men, on the other hand, tend to withdraw a little more and remain quiet about what’s bothering them. If a couple is stressed out about the same or varying things, it can cause a strain on the relationship.

    Stress science

    Scientifically speaking, there’s a reason the sexes handle stress differently. No matter the gender, stress causes a spike in epinephrine and cortisol, which together raise blood pressure. (Cortisol also lowers the effectiveness of the immune system, which is why you’re more susceptible to getting sick when you’re extremely stressed.) Both men and women’s brains release the hormone oxytocin, which works to counteract the stress-inducing hormones and tries to create a more relaxed feeling in the body. But women’s brains release more oxytocin, so men are often left feeling more stressed. Because of this, men often biologically resort to the traditional “fight or flight” responses — they choose to bottle up the stressors, or fight back.
    There’s a psychological explanation for why men tend to become more stressed about work objectives than women, psychologist Dr. Carl Pickhardt told WebMD. Male self-esteem is often built around performance measures, so they become more stressed when that is in question. (Women, for what it’s worth, tend to become more stressed about relationship tensions.) “Men tend to let their rival’s efforts or their employer’s agenda set the level of their demand, losing focus on the self to preoccupation with winning or attaining an extrinsic objective,” Pickhardt said. “Achieving a winning performance at all costs is how many men enter stress.”
    Knowing what causes stress can be the first step to handling it. But if you’re dating or married to a woman who handles stress differently than you, her suggestions might not be all that helpful even if she has the best of intentions. Take a look at some ways to handle stress that are specific to men — for the sake of yourself and those you care about.

    1. Have a routine for planned stress

    Source: iStock
    Source: iStock
    No matter your best efforts, there’s likely to be stressors in your life that you know will pop up. You have a scheduled presentation for your supervisors at work each week, you know there’s a time of month when finances get tight, or your family schedules a vacation that means a little more stress than R&R. Having a process for dealing with these expected stresses will limit their negative effects.

    It’s much like how Detroit Pistons point guard Chauncey Billups handles free throws in high-stakes games, he told Men’s Health. “I know it’s a big shot, but I don’t even think about the moment. If I put more pressure on it, then it becomes a mental thing. I treat it the same as a free throw in the first quarter by doing the same routine every single time. I focus on the rim. I take four dribbles, spin the ball, and get up under it. My routine puts me into a calm state. It’s just me and the rim.”
    You might not have a game to tie, but if you treat the big meeting like any other one  — prepare, and not put any extra mental emphasis on it — you’ll be able to move forward instead of being paralyzed by extra pressure.

    2. Get moving

    Exercise isn’t just good for weight loss and heart health — it’s also good for relieving stress. Harvard Health Publications explains that exercise not only reduces stress hormones like cortisol (mentioned above), but it also increases endorphins that naturally improve your mood.

    7 Habits for a Healthier, Happier Life

    Source: Thinkstock
    Life can feel like an uphill battle at times. You may feel frustrated and stifled as you trudge through the motions. The good news is that humans have the capacity for self-empowerment and change, which means you have the ability to alter your state of mind and reprogram your habits to find a healthier, happier life than you thought possible. Isn’t this is what life is all about? Forget about making six figures or buying your dream home, if you can manage to find and maintain health and happiness, you’re one step above the rest. Read on for tips to create your best life.

    4 Toughest Job Interview Questions (and How to Answer Them)

    Woman being interviewed for a job.
    job interview|Source: iStock
    You’ve toiled for months, sending dozens of resumes and cover letters, and your hard work has finally paid off. You got the job interview and now it’s time to prepare for your big day. You have a killer suit picked out, your hair is perfect, and you know everything there is to know about the company. There’s some good news and bad news. The good news: you’re going to look really good and sound knowledgeable. The bad news: it’s not enough to look good and be able to recite company facts. Your interviewer is likely preparing some difficult interview questions in an effort to weed out the best from the worst.
    Career counselor Thomas J. Denham advises being prepared by practicing some common questions and answers beforehand. “The purpose of an interviewer asking you questions is to evaluate: 1) How prepared and motivated are you for this job with this company? and 2) How would you fit in with this company/department? Prepare a brief statement about yourself and say it over and over, so you get used to talking about your strengths in a succinct way. However, memorizing your answers will sound too “canned,” said Denham. How can you demonstrate you’re the right person for the job? Here are some of the toughest interview questions you’ll face and tips for how to best answer them.

    1. What is your greatest weakness?

    This is an interviewer favorite because your answer can help uncover flaws that may help the interviewer come to the conclusion you’re not the right person for the job. Career coach Mike Simpson refers to this as an “onion question” partly due to the question’s layers of complexity and the variety of ways it can be answered. “An onion question is a question with multiple layers…just like, well…an onion! And like an onion it can make you cry, but only if you tackle it unprepared. First off, this isn’t a simple question you can rattle off a quick answer to or parrot back some easy-to-memorize statistics or facts and move on. It’s a question meant to make you think, and think hard,” said Simpson.
    Simpson advises resisting the urge to deny you have any weaknesses. He says this is a slick way to avoid answering the question, and interviewers will see right through this tactic. Instead, Simpson recommends mentioning a real weakness that you’ve learned to overcome and are working toward overcoming. However, make sure the weakness is minor enough not to raise red flags and that it’s a problem that actually has a solution.

    2. Why should we hire you?

    Man interviewing job candidate
    Job interviewer|Source: iStock
    This question will likely catch you off guard. The key is to know exactly why you’re the best pick. Answering this question will require a delicate balance. The goal is to communicate confidence without sounding conceited. You also don’t want to appear to be begging for the job. “Every organization has a specific set of qualities that the potential hire needs to have in order to be successful in the position.

    Did Jesus' Crucifixion Actually Involve Nails? Here's the Truth About the Easter Story

    When it comes to the life and times of one Jesus Christ, how much do we really know? Although Christian iconography widely depicts Jesus as having been nailed to the cross, historians claim there's actually not much evidence that crucifixions actually involved a hammer and nails. 
    As Dr. Meredith J. C. (coincidence?) Warren of the University of Sheffield explains for Discovery News, Romans weren't always keen on piercing the hands and feet of those with a cross to bear; often, they chose to affix them to the wooden posts with ropes tied around their wrists (less messy, you know?). In fact, some scholars have argued the original Biblical texts never actually mention crucifixion, let alone nails, in relation to Jesus' death, according to the Telegraph

    Did Jesus' Crucifixion Actually Involve Nails? Here's the Truth About the Easter Story
    Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and Saint John (Canon Crucifixion)
    Source:  Anonymous German (Bamberg and Regensburg)/Wikipedia Commons

    According to Warren, though, the other components of crucifixion were exactly the nightmare you've always pictured: painful and drawn-out, with victims eventually succumbing to asphyxiation or exhaustion. Usually reserved for only the lowest of status, it was also a punishment meant to publicly humiliate those who suffered it.

    The Goal-Setting Process Warren Buffett Uses To Say ‘No’ And Achieve More
    Top achievers’ thought processes are often the same. I was recently reminded of this when a friend shared a story about how he’s been able to achieve consistent double-digit growth every year for the last decade.
    It all began when I asked him, “What’s your secret to your consistently amazing growth every year?”
    After all, he has generated annual revenue growth of 15% to 20% every single year, which is an incredible achievement.
    His answer surprised me. He said, “I’ve said no more than any other time in my career.”
    At first, I didn’t quite understand what he was saying, so he continued. “In the past, I was the guy chasing shiny objects, so I’d be the guinea pig and test a handful of them each year in my practice. I would try three, four, five or more new ideas every year. Maybe one of them would pan out and lead to modest results, but the others were usually flops.”

    Saturday 26 March 2016

    Here Are 70 New Billionaires Of 2016!!!

    Yesterday I promised you the list of Forbes billionaires new comers list.

    Enjoy the survey now!!!

    VIDEO: Forbes list of billionaires new comers

    The Forbes Billionaires List added 198 newcomers to its ranks in 2016. They ranged from 19-year-old Norwegian heiress Alexandra Andresen to 97-year-old hotelier C.F. Chanfrom Hong Kong. They hailed from Asia, Europe and North America. Many made their fortunes in tech startups or real estate, while others produced everything from drones to umbrellas. Here is the full list of newcomers, ranked according to net worth.

    1. Udo & Harald Tschira
    Net worth: $9.3 billion
    Citizenship: Germany
    Source of wealth: software
    Billionaires list rank: 116

    5 Powerful Benefits of Running (Beyond Weight Loss)

    Running is an incredible exercise for weight loss and leaning out the body, and we've seen so many inspiring weight-loss success storiesthat involve running. But this whole weight-loss thing can often eclipse the other benefits — mental and physical — which are equally impressive, powerful, and important. Did you know that running is part of a scientifically proven depression treatment? Or that running can heal smokers' lungs? Read on for 10 amazing reasons to start running.

    1. It improves your mood , and can make you feel happy or even euphoric, thanks to a rush of endorphins and neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.

    3 Colors You Should Always Wear in a Job Interview

    Making a good first impression on your interviewer is vital. Your ability to dress the part can determine your fate. One thing job hunters don’t always pay attention to is their clothing color choice. There are certain colors that can give you an edge as well as colors that could get you shown the door. The job you’re applying for likely has hundreds of people vying for the same spot, so whether you like it or not, you’ll have to put up a fight. Something as simple as clothing color could help or hurt your chance of moving to the next round of hiring.
    “You can always add a splash of color [but] keep it simple. For the most part, you want your skills and experience to speak for themselves. Your personality should electrify, not your suit,” Monster Career Expert Vicki Salemi told The Cheat Sheet.
    Here are three colors that may give you a fighting chance and help you crush your competitors.

    1. Gray

    Fifty Shades of Grey
    Source: Vintage Books
    You’ll be sure to dominate the competition and have your interviewer submit to your witty ways. Don’t be surprised if you get a call back — the hiring team will be left wanting for more. In a survey conducted by Harris Interactive for CareerBuilder, employers said they associated the color gray with someone who is analytical and logical. 

    Friday 25 March 2016

    The 10 Crucial Steps Needed To Achieve Financial Independence

    Just about everybody wants to become financially independent – so why do so few people get there?
    One of the secrets to attaining financial independence is that it doesn’t usually “just happen”.
    It starts with a detailed plan, and a willingness to commit to that plan.

    No girls allowed!!! The secret millionaires club

    Just kidding...

    But make sure you act now and confirm your position.

    Having Trouble Sleeping? This Change to Your Diet Might Help

    According to a new study done by Purdue University, overweight and obese adults who implement a high-protein diet to lose weight also benefit from an improved quality of sleep. This may come as a surprise to many of us who have tossed and turned after indulging in a little too much steak for dinner.

    Just be you!!! By Jules Schroeder

    Have you ever wondered what makes one artist or business successful and not the other,  especially if the two are seemingly identical, or have a similar look and sound? What is it about the one that gets more views and traction while the other stays stagnant? 
    A little over a year ago, I created my first music video. It had been finished for an entire month before I finally decided to post it to YouTube. I was terrified. I felt like I was exposing one of my biggest vulnerabilities, my voice, for people to judge under a microscope. But, one day, I got the courage to show the world. I posted it to YouTube and then to Facebook, and then shutdown the computer and walked away. Almost 24 hours later,

    15 Easy Side Hustles You can start today

    A recent Bentley University study found that over 66% of millennials want to start their own businesses. Yet, as of 2013, only 3.6% of businesses in the U.S. were owned by those under the age of 30. Clearly, there’s a large disparity between the number of young people wanting to be their own bosses, and those who are actually managing to pull it off. Many young people are naturally entrepreneurial, but without a steady flow of income it could prove challenging to jump into starting a new venture. There’s where side hustles come in. 
    Whether it’s for lack of having a detailed plan to launching while working, or just not knowing how to get started, here are fifteen side businesses you can actually get off the ground this weekend.

    Transform your life by doing this one thing regularly

    A sabbatical could change your lifeI am taking a bit of a sabbatical in the weeks running up to my 50th birthday.
    I have never taken a sabbatical before.
    This is nothing to do with any negativity about turning fifty or any kind of midlife crisis.
    Quite the opposite.
    I am actually genuinely excited about the next chapter of my life. To me, age is just a number. Nothing more. So all is good, and I am ready and excited for the fabulous fifties!
    Taking a step back from my day to day life is all about taking some time and space to design this next chapter of life. It is about having time and space to reflect, contemplate, consider new possibilities, rest, re-fuel and celebrate the life my husband and I have created together over the years.
    For me, it all stems from this core belief:

    The Secret to Losing Belly Fat

    While focusing on crunches will strengthen your abs, it unfortunately will not get rid of the muffin top around your waist. To get rid of ab flab, it's essential to regularly include calorie-burning cardio in your routine. And not just any kind of cardio — it's important to focus on interval training; alternating between moderate and speedy bursts of exercise is the key.

    A study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed that when compared to women who cycled at a consistent pace for 40 minutes, women who worked out for 20 minutes, but alternated between eight-second sprints and 12 seconds of low-intensity cycling, lost more belly fat after 15 weeks. Work out half as long and lose more fat? Sounds good to me!

    Thursday 24 March 2016


    barack obama tango argentina(REUTERS/Carlos Barria) President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle dance tango during a state dinner hosted by Argentina's President Mauricio Macri at the Centro Cultural Kirchner as part of President Obama's two-day visit to Argentina.

    The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets.

     The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets

    Fellow Investor,

    Thank you for requesting your special FREE report, The Little Black Book of Billionaire Secrets.

    Click here to read it now.


    Charles Morgan
    Charles Morgan
    Associate Publisher
    Forbes Investing Newsletters

    Are You Stretching toward Your Goals or Just Coasting?

    Swimmer Michael Phelps is arguably the greatest American Olympian and one of the greatest competitors of all time. In the 2008 Beijing summer games, Phelps won eight medals—all gold—to break the record for the most hardware ever captured in a single Olympiad and become the most decorated Olympian in history.
    But it is the race that almost blew his winning streak that captivates me the most. It was his seventh contest, the 100-meter butterfly, and Phelps trailed for literally 99.9 meters of it. In the last fraction of a second, Phelps thrust his arms into one final, mighty stroke. Meanwhile, his Serbian competitor, Milorad ˇCavi´c, coasted the final few inches. Almost implausibly, Phelps tapped the wall first, beating ˇCavi´c by a mere one-hundredth of a second.
    Most of us won’t experience such a heart-pounding, dramatic moment in our lifetimes, but we do make daily choices to either stretch or coast toward the finish lines we create for ourselves through personal goals. They’re often small decisions—routine things we don’t think about a lot—but they have the power to determine much of our success.
    Reaching a finish line can be as simple as completing an “almost done” project or initiating a long-delayed and difficult conversation. Unfinished business can be disastrous. It drains your mental energy. It derails your goals. It impacts how you feel about yourself. And, critically, it can undermine your reliability in the minds of others.
    Simply put: Procrastination is the enemy of progress.
    Life is full of moments that require one more stretch to achieve success. If you don’t have the discipline to persevere, well, you’re going to end up like Phelps’ competitors—looking up at the winner from a lower podium (or worse). In the words of economist Thomas Sowell, “Doing 90 percent of what is required is one of the biggest wastes, because you have nothing to show for all your efforts.” Instead you must develop the habit of staying committed and finishing strong.
    Here are some suggestions to help you do that:

    Engage in brick-by-brick thinking.

    I confess: I  have very little patience. I tend to want instant results. Still, I understand success requires daily progress. How do I solve this dilemma? With daily disciplines. I practice what might be called “brick-by-brick thinking.” My friend Henry Cloud, Ph.D., says, “All success is built and sustained just like a building is built, one brick at a time.” I practice regular disciplines every day, and these small, incremental actions turn into tangible steps toward success.

    Amplify the reward.

    When you don’t feel like doing what you should, then focus on why finishing is important. The why can keep you motivated even when you lack desire. Motivation is fickle. You can’t depend on your emotions to keep you committed to your goals. So envision your end result and keep it in the forefront of your mind. How will you feel when you accomplish your goal? Why is it important to you? By focusing on the answers, you’ll stand a much better chance of reaching your goals.

    Build structure and systems around your goals.

    Great intentions don’t get me very far. I need systems. They make it easier for me to stay disciplined. I have an insatiable hunger to learn, so I read every day. I want to stay fresh, so I file great quotes and illustrations every day. I had a heart attack in my 50s, so I exercise by swimming every day. (Phelps’ Olympic records are safe, by the way.) My life is filled with systems that move me forward and push me to reach my wall.

    Surround yourself with support.

    Over the years I  have found that I am most successful when I tap into a network of people who support me and encourage me in my goals. When I need business advice, I talk to my brother Larry and my company’s key businesspeople. When I want to launch a new venture, I talk to my CEO, Mark Cole, and members of my inner circle. When I am ready to write a book, I meet with my creative team to brainstorm and vet ideas.
    If you want to succeed, surround yourself with people who will help you, encourage you and, when necessary, hold your feet to the fire. Remember to choose wisely—your success largely depends on the company you keep.

    Quitting isn’t an option.

    A great start is important, because all’s well that begins well. But it takes much more to reach your goals. I tend to think of it like farming: You can prepare the land immaculately and plant the seeds just right, but if you don’t water, fertilize and cultivate as you go, then you wasted your time by planting the crop. Remember the reward that awaits you—the fruit you will harvest—and it will help get you through the times of hard work in the “summer.”
    When I was a kid, my father always told me, “When you made the choice to start, you made the choice to finish. It isn’t two choices… It’s one.” He taught me early that if you aren’t careful, quitting can become a habit. The good news is that finishing can also become a habit when you practice diligence in all that you do.
    There’s an old saying, “The fortune is at the finish line.” It’s absolutely true. Why did Michael Phelps aggressively reach for the wall at that critical moment? Because he had practiced finishing strong every day of his life. And that made the difference between gold and silver.
    Let’s learn from his lesson. And let’s remember that, oftentimes, the only thing separating us from success is a few inches. So don’t let up, and reach for the finish line!

    The Kardashian Sisters Just Got Sued for $180 Million


    That’s krazy money.

    The Sisters Kardashian are being sued for $180 million and being accused of fraud by a disgruntled investor in their makeup line.
    Hillair Capital Management is claiming that shortly after it invested in the makeup line, which was struggling after its distributor folded in 2014, the sisters began looking for a new partner to buy out the Hillair stake, reports the New York Daily News. The suit lays this out bluntly:
    In short: the Kardashians wanted a better, more lucrative deal than they had struck with Hillair after the money to continue the line was already committed, and they used their ability to withhold their support of the line to attempt to force Hillair into a buyout of its interest.
    It further alleges that Khloe Kardashian publicly disparaged the products in the line, obviously bad for the investment.

    Lawyers for the Kardashians shot back, claiming the suit “is an obvious attempt to create leverage by hedge fund operators who took over the Kardashians’ cosmetics brand.”
    Requests for comment from both Fielding and the Kardashians were not immediately returned.
    The suit was filed in Los Angeles.

    visit facebook page "wealth vibes" @ for video display of the kardashians