Friday 25 March 2016

Having Trouble Sleeping? This Change to Your Diet Might Help

According to a new study done by Purdue University, overweight and obese adults who implement a high-protein diet to lose weight also benefit from an improved quality of sleep. This may come as a surprise to many of us who have tossed and turned after indulging in a little too much steak for dinner.

The researchers looked at 44 overweight and obese participants who were sticking to low- and high-protein diets, respectively. Over a 16-week span, the participants consuming more protein reported a noticeable improvement or change in their sleep. It's worth noting that all of the participants were also consuming a more restricted amount of fats and carbs.

While the study does not definitively

outline why this is the case, it does make a strong case for those in favor of high-protein diets. We're looking at you, Paleodieters.

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