Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Daily Habits That Help You Look Younger

Benjamin Franklin once said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” And while that’s a pretty bleak statement, it is true in the fact that aging is inevitable. Everyone gets older – some are just better at hiding it or, better yet, fighting it than others. Here are a few daily habits that you can adopt to help prevent the signs of aging.

Lessons You Learn Or Regret Forever !!!

Sticking your neck out and taking charge of your career is no trivial matter. Whether that’s switching careers, going back to school, or walking away from a j-o-b to start your own business, it takes a lot of guts.

But guts will only get you so far.

Passive Income: Websites That Will Pay You To Write For Them !!!

Do you love writing? are you a creative thinker, would you like to get paid for you leisure time articles ?
 many websites are looking for contributors with experience. If you don't have significant experience, what can you do?

Mark Zuckerberg Surprisingly Steps Higher on Forbe's List of Billionaires !!!

On Wednesday, Facebook stock jumped nearly 10% in after-hours trading, after the company announced that