Wednesday 30 March 2016

Are you sincerely happy?

Happiness is beautiful, i bet you agree, yet never stable, why? simply because there are two sides to everything.
Yet, we should not forget that our happiness depends
on us alone and how we respond to circumstances around us.
therefore you can choose to stay happy irrespective of whatever circumstances may occur.
Here comes the big question most people ask in relation to hapiness,
"How can I be happy when i lose someone very dear to my soul"?
the answer is simple, what do you think that lost loved one would wish for you? I bet He/She wishes you happiness all the way, wishes that your dreams come through.
thus, in essence, choose to stay happy for that loved lost one .
Another question in regards to happiness, "How can i stay happy when everything seems to constantly fall apart"?
Here's the answer to this,
i believe most of you know this saying by T. Harv Eker "what you focus on expands", therefore, i urge you, focus less on unhappy events and more on happy events
learn to let go
find your passion and follow it
fall in love with your soul mate
live a constant life of gratitude
there are endless things to be grateful for every single day, so many gifts yet we fail to see them mainly because our minds are so fixated on sad events and memories.
Be thankful
for life, for hope, for your future, for your loved ones, for the very little things you have. Because in the end, those little things turn out to be the big things of our lives.
Above all be at peace with God, the people around you and with your self.
i leave you with another quote to ponder on.

Best Wishes

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