Saturday 2 April 2016

how to get anything you want: by simply applying the general laws of attraction!!! share

The power of your thoughts

Have you ever wondered who the key-holder of your reality is? Why do things manifest in your life the way they do? I have been asking myself this questions for years, trying to make sense of everything that seemed to appear out of the blue in my life. I have been witnessing wonderful things unfold and earth-shattering events that altered the way I responded to myself and life in general. I was put face to face with realizing my own automatisms and I had to deal with the momentum created by my core beliefs.

the power of your thoughts and the law of attraction

What is a core belief?

4 Keys to increasing personal Focus

young man looking through fingers frame

More distractions.
A steady flow of distractions.
These things are part of life, and happen all the time.
They are everywhere, and they never really go away.
Phone calls, text messages, social media, voicemails, and changing deadlines at work, we are living in an era of constant distraction.
You do, however, have a choice.
A choice that can make ALL the difference in your life.
You can choose where to place your attention.  You can choose to be in charge of your agenda.  It’s no one else’s fault if you are distracted, only yours.

Apple at 40: People, Products and Moments That Shaped the Company