Wednesday, 30 March 2016

6 Productivity Tips from Famous People

What does it take to be successful? Genetics? A brilliant, innovative mind? Not really. Based on anecdotes from famous successful people, it is often the little things, applied routinely and diligently, that can push you over the edge. Lifehack recently rounded up a slew of productivity tips from famous names, and some of their advice is brilliant in its innocuousness. Here are some intriguing examples:
Vladimir Nabokov used 5-by-8 inch notecards to lay out his novels. The cards allowed him to compose and reorder his scenes quickly and efficiently.
Stephen King’s voluminous output is not, as most people suspect, due to a deal with Satan. Instead, King says that he writes 10 pages a day. Every day — including holidays.
Bill Gates cites being impulsive as a powerful attribute. He says

This is what happens when you take a break from exercising

  • what happens to body when take a break from working out
    Photo: Getty Images
    Getting back to the gym after taking a small hiatus can feel like lifting weights for the very first time. And if you've ever tried to run after taking some time off, you know how painful that can be. The change is real, and pretty discouraging — physically and mentally. But how much is that really throwing you off your fitness goal? And how long is too long before you've disrupted all that hard work you put in?
    Here's what happens to your body when you fall off the workout wagon (hey, life happens), and how much progress you really lose. 
    Skipping workouts for a few days, or even a week, really isn't going to do much.
    In fact,

    7 Health Symptoms You Should Never Ignore!!!

    man sitting on the bed feeling sick
    Man feeling sick | Source: iStock
    Oftentimes we brush off minor health symptoms, like a headache or nausea, for a flu or cold bug. Unless there is something out of the ordinary, we normally don’t think twice about going to the doctor or keep a close eye on how that symptom progresses.
    Yet there are some health symptoms that you really shouldn’t pass off as a minor ailment. Not that every symptom leads to a fatal illness, but we may be overlooking some sicknesses that can be cured with a simple dosage of antibiotics.
    “You know your body best,” says Len Lichtenfeld, M.D., deputy chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society. “When you see or feel something different or just feel ‘off,’ pay attention; don’t dismiss it.”
    Whether you are the type of person who swears off the doctor or mistakes a small pain for a cancerous tumor (thanks WebMD), the information in this article may be of good use to you. Read on for the health symptoms that you should never ignore.

    1. Changes in bowel habits

    Staying regular is crucial in staying healthy because that is how we remove waste from our bodies. The problem is that normal bowel movements vary for every person, yet one can tell when an issue arises in their regularity by noting the smell, shape, color, consistency, and frequency and whether that suddenly changes.

    Scientific Breakthrough!!! Is this really the cure to HIV and AIDS?

    In February 2007, Timothy Ray Brown was HIV-positive. In March 2016, he is not. The so-called "Berlin patient" is the only person ever to have been cured of HIV, following two bone marrow transplants he received as treatment for leukemia — the first in 2007 and the second in 2008. Despite the success of the procedure, there's no actual cure for HIV, nor is there a cure for AIDS. 
    "At the time we were doing the transplant, we knew we were doing something very special that could change the whole medical world if it worked," German physician Gero Hütter said of the operation. 

    Medical advances have certainly changed the meaning of coping with HIV — indeed, they've made it possible to live a long time with the virus. Still, it's no exaggeration to say that such a cure for HIV could change the world for the approximately 35 million people in it who are living with the virus. So why hasn't it?

    Timothy Ray Brown, the Berlin patient — the only person ever to have been cured of HIV.
    Source: Eric Risberg/AP
    In short, because the genetic mutation that

    how to stay motivated every single day!!!

    Let's learn from Michael Phelps, one of the best swimmers in the world!!!
    Quote from Micheal Phelps:
    “The biggest thing is I talk about how I got to where I am—a dream, a plan and I reach for it. That's literally all - how I got to where I am. And that's literally just what I try to—get across to the kids. And, you know, they see that and, you know, the cool thing is, being able to, one, hear the stories about

    7 Things Financially Successful People Refuse to Do

    What are a few financial goals you're aspiring to reach?
    Perhaps you want to pay off debt, save $2 million for retirement, or give more than you ever thought possible.
    One of the best ways to get where you want to go in life is to look at the lives of those who have arrived. How did they accomplish these goals? What made the difference for them? Are these things you can do, too?
    Sometimes, it's easy to put limitations on ourselves. We think that because of this or that circumstance, we'll never reach our goals. Why think like that? Is that helpful? Of course not.
    The truth is, ordinary people can do extraordinary things. But it's not just what they choose to do that matters, it's what they refuse to do that matters as well.
    Let's take a look at some things enormously financially successful people refuse to do.

    1. They refuse to dwell on their success.

    Imagine you've done something and seen some success. Maybe you started a business and are making decent money. Perhaps you built something nobody has ever built before. You might have even landed your dream job.
    It can be tempting to dwell on success to the point that innovation comes to a screeching halt. After all, you've made it, right? Well, not quite yet. If your goal is to be enormously successful with your finances, it's best to take this advice from Steve Jobs:

    Why it's so important to follow your heart..

    Why it's so important to follow your heart... (2 Minute Video) by Joel Brown


    This is a short video to give you

    Are you sincerely happy?

    Happiness is beautiful, i bet you agree, yet never stable, why? simply because there are two sides to everything.
    Yet, we should not forget that our happiness depends