Monday, 4 April 2016

Powerful Ways To Make Money With Your Blog !!!
Every single day over 8,000 people start a new Internet business and it is said 90% of them fail / never really take off! There are a lot of reasons why a business fails but in the end it comes down to

Signs She Only Wants You for Your Money!!!

Source: iStock
Source: iStock
Love is a wonderful thing, but sometimes you can become so blinded by your emotions you end up getting involved with someone who is a bad match. You may become so love drunk that you fall for someone

How the Rich Create Their Dream Life by Converting Goals Into Daily Habits
Most who pursue goals never achieve them.

5 Things You Should Never Search on Google, and why!!!

New Google logo

Protecting your privacy online can be difficult. If you use Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engine that records your IP address and search terms, there are some things — many things, it turns out — that you really shouldn’t search. Google, for instance,

Top 10 Business Lessons from Bill Gates
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard in 1974.

9 Signs You’re A Highly Sensitive Person!!!


Sensitive people get a bad rap. Research suggests that genes are responsible for the 15-20% of people who qualify as “highly sensitive.”

Google killed its April Fools' Day joke after it allegedly lost people their jobs

minions mic drop crown royalty

 Google abruptly killed off one of its April Fools' Day "jokes" after it caused outrage online, with multiple people claiming that it lost them their jobs.
The premise of the joke was simple.

How to Start a Small Business When You Have Virtually No Money

 starting a business with no money - Antonio Martin Sotelo / Getty Images
In a perfect world, we would all have unlimited capital to fund our dream businesses, never having to worry about money. That is not reality. Most of us have to be a little creative when it comes to finding the money needed to start a business. The good news is that

How to Burn Fat Without Exercise!!!

The healthy fats in chia and walnuts help keep you happy and fit.While it’s nice to think about getting the body of your dreams without breaking a sweat, exercise can help you lose weight faster. That doesn’t mean you can’t burn fat without exercise, though -- simply adjusting

How Much Sleep Is Too Much Sleep?

Man sleeping on bed - Jena Cumbo/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Although most people should be concerned about not sleeping enough, you may wonder: How much sleep is too much sleep?
First, it is important to

How the Apple Watch is Helping Cancer Patients

Apple Watches - Stephen Lam/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The Apple Watch is helping some cancer patients with their treatments.
In a recent article in Fox Business, the site spoke about a new treatment plan for cancer patients in Camden, New Jersey that uses the Apple Watch as a tool. The nine month program was implemented with 30 patients at the MD Anderson Cancer Center with the hope of  capturing every move they make during cancer treatment.
“The app allows us to

Five Interview Questions Job-Seekers Hate To Answer


You may be asked ancient, crusty and pointless job-interview questions that serve no purpose except to reinforce