Friday 11 March 2016

Ben Carson endorses Donald Trump

Ben Carson listens before announcing he will endorse Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. (Photo: Lynne Sladky/AP)
Ben Carson officially endorsed Republican frontrunner Donald Trump Friday morning in an appearance with Trump in Palm Beach, Fla.
“I’ve come to know Donald Trump over the last few years. He is actually a very intelligent man who cares deeply about America,” he said. “There are two different Donald Trumps. There’s the one you see on the stage, and there’s the one who’s very cerebral.”
While introducing Carson, Trump said that having his support lends credence to what he’s trying to do.
“Everybody wanted his endorsement, and everybody loves him and truly, truly admires what he’s done,” he said.
Carson said that he never intended to get involved in the political process but heeded the call of the American people. He accused political “operatives” and parties of trying to thwart the will of the people.
“I want the political process to play out in the way that it should play out, and I think the Republican Party, particularly, would be very wise not to adopt a ‘Let’s stop this guy and let’s promote this guy’ policy,” he continued. “But rather start thinking about what are the things that are going to be helpful for America.”
The retired neurosurgeon expressed concern about the fiscal cliff and said the country is destroying itself with hate, quoting Abraham Lincoln: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.“
“We’re failing to take a leadership position on the world stage,” he said.
Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist, is a deeply religious man who believes that God has guided some of his life’s most important decisions. When asked if a higher power inspired him to endorse Trump, the former doctor said that the power of prayer and messages from his acquaintances’ dreams played a role.
“I prayed about it a lot. I got a lot of indications — people calling me that I hadn’t talked to in a long time saying, ‘I had this dream about you and Donald Trump.’”
Carson said he and Trump did not cut a deal regarding a position from him in a possible Trump administration. But they planned to discuss policies that would “make America great again,” he said.
The endorsement may come as a surprise to many of Carson’s supporters, since the mild-mannered, deeply religious Carson is a vivid contrast to Trump in terms of style and values.
But a Carson adviser told Yahoo News Thursday that the retired neurosurgeon — who for a short time last fall led the field of Republican presidential candidates — sees Trump as the only candidate remaining who is not part of what he often called “the political class.”
Carson believes that the political establishment has ruined the country, and is throwing his support to Trump because the businessman and reality TV personality is best able to disrupt the status quo.
Carson was also angered by some of the tactics employed by Sen. Ted Cruz. For example, a number of Cruz’s supporters tried to undermine Carson on the night of the Iowa caucuses Feb. 1 by telling voters that Carson was pulling out of the race.
Michael Walsh contributed to this report. 
(Cover tile photo: Lynne Sladky/AP)

Tonto Dikeh Shares Another Pregnancy Photo

Actress Tonto Dikeh welcomed a son with husband Oladunni Churchill early this year.
Before then, Tonto Dikeh successfully kept her fans in the dark about her pregnancy. She has been sharing pregnancy hotos in parts since putting to bed in the US.

Breadseller Turned Motivational Speaker Olajumoke Shares Stage With VP Wife Dolapo Osinbajo

v1The Women of Excellence Convention took place yesterday in Abuja and Olajumoke was one of the speakers at the event.
The Women of Excellence Convention took place yesterday in Abuja and Olajumoke was one of the speakers at the event.
The wife of the Vice President, Dolapo Osinbajo was also one of the distinguished guests at the event.

Actress Bukky Wright Shows Off Ageless Look In Figure Hugging Dress (Photos)

bukky1Nollywood Veteran actress, Bukky Wright is definitely a beautiful woman.

The 48-year-old delectable actress stepped out looking ageless as she rocked a figure hugging dress that looked adorable on her.bukky2
We think she looked beautiful… what do you think?

Japan marks 5th anniversary of quake, tsunami disaster with moment of silence

4 powerful way to set yourself up to succeed

t will help you to clear your path of the things that drain your time, energy and get in the way of the life and results you really want:

This free training video teaches you four practical and effective stratagies that will help you:

  • Have more time and stop feeling too busy
  • Get unstuck.
  • Feel less overwhelmed and stressed.
  • Set yourself up to succeed.
  • Clear your path so you can focus on creating change or shooting for new goals.
  • Improve your quality of life and feel more fulfilled.

As a special bonus, I am offering you some free support with this training video. Once you have watched it, shoot me an email with any questions you have or any help you would like with putting these strategies into action. Happy to help you if I can. 

Click the link below now to watch the free training video:

Enjoy this free training video. I hope you will find it a useful and practical resource.

My very best wishes to you.

Best website builders: Weebly Vs.

Weebly Vs. –
Top Site Builders Duke It Out

Want to get the best website builder for your time and money? See how weighs in versus Weebly in this head to head feature comparison. We make it easy for you to decide which builder is the best option for you, so you can get your site up and running fast.

1. Templates

With over 2500 stunning designs, takes the cake here. The templates are easily searchable to find the ideal theme for your industry and style. Weebly’s template variety isn’t as strong as most, but switching templates is a breeze. You can play around with the code to get the design you want, ideal for people with coding background or design skills. Winner:
image description

2. Ease of Use

Weebly’s whole experience is super smooth. It’s extremely clear and easy to use, changes are simple to implement, and they offer possibly the most intuitive drag and drop tool in the industry., is not as simple to use on your own, emphasizing on custom-built sites rather than DIY option. Winner: Weebly

3. e-Commerce has fabulous e-Commerce solutions that can help you manage and track your sites easily. Features include full payment processors (even PayPal), simple add products functionality, order management tools, customer tracking, reports, coupon code-maker, and tracking codes to name a few. Weebly has good e-Commerce solutions, but it’s got a long way to go. They offer a basic shopping cart and it’s easy to add products, but the features and apps need to include more email, analytics, management and responsiveness to compete. Winner:

4. Features

Both sites offer analytics, custom domain, hosting, social features, and some form of SEO tools. Weebly recently launched their Carbon version, though, which tips the scales. This feature-rich platform includes a real-time dashboard loaded with stats of traffic and e-commerce, a comprehensive site editor, mobile apps for on the go tweaks, and an app center that allows you to integrate with third-party services. Winner: Weebly

5. Mobile Responsive

Weebly offers fully mobile responsive themes that look great, function smoothly and respond well to the touch. As mentioned, they provide a mobile app that lets you monitor and edit while using a mobile device. doesn’t actually have mobile dedicated themes. Rather, their themes will adjust to the mobile device, but this can be choppy at times. Also, there’s no mobile app for editing, and all maintenance is done on a separate account from the desktop site, which is rather cumbersome. Winner: Weebly
image description

6. Customer Support

Weebly has decent support include a support page, live chat and email, and dedicated phone support for Pro or Business plan has all that, but they’ve got something even better. Personalized website coaches will walk you through every step of the design process, even critiquing your site for optimal performance and style. Winner:

7. Bottom Line

Both options deliver quality service and a top-notch website. is the preferred choice, though, if you don’t have the time or design skills to really craft the kind of winning website design that makes you stand out. Visit >>

How To Deal With Irrational People In Business

In business, you get to interact with a lot of unique personality types. Some people are characterized by ambition while others are motivated by a higher calling to make a difference in the world. I’ve found that more often than not if you can identify what drives an individual on a personal level, you can find a way to work with them to achieve your goals. However, we’ve all been in situations where this doesn’t hold true. Sometimes, people’s behavior doesn’t seem to be motivated by identifiable, logical thought. Sometimes, people are simply irrational.
Learning to deal with irrational people is a particularly important skill for entrepreneurs and leaders as challenging behavior has a tendency to manifest itself along the entrepreneurial journey. While managing such behavior isn’t easy, it can be done and when it comes to dealing with difficult personalities and irrational behavior, three simple lessons stand out.
Be empathetic
First and foremost, it’s important to stop and recognize that everyone, including yourself, can act irrational and crazy at times. The reality is that there are many factors that influence our behavior in tense situations, and more often than not people on the other side of the table are only privy to the most obvious. Personal issues, private stresses, and unseen anxieties influence our behavior, for better or worse. The most important step to successfully manage someone acting irrationally is to start with empathy.
An empathetic response can instantly diffuse a rapidly escalating situation. Begin by recognizing the other person’s feelings as valid, without condoning or commenting on them. The last thing that an irrational person wants to hear is that their beliefs or emotions are wrong. They may be misguided and factually incorrect, but they’re still very real to the person experiencing them. Interactions take a turn for the worse when you push back on an irrational person, causing them to double down on their position and fight back.

Identify triggers
It’s easy to use blanket statements and write someone off as “crazy” or “clueless,” but the truth is that irrational behavior ebbs and flows. Some people may be more susceptible to it than others, but ultimately everyone experiences it at different points. The behavior is often brought on by situational or emotional triggers in interactions. Learning to identify and manage these triggers is the second step to successfully dealing with tough situations.
To identify triggers in others, you must first identify the situations that trigger negative responses in your life. Self-awareness is the key to connecting with others and earning their trust. If you know that a team member or partner responds particularly poorly to something like difficulties with investors, make sure that you carefully manage those interactions. This doesn’t mean that you should hide the truth from people; far from it. Instead, just recognize that the situation will trigger an irrational response and ease into it. Help the other person put things in context, and go into the interaction knowing that it’s going to be difficult. Knowing what triggers a negative response helps you to prepare ahead of time, keep your cool, and remain empathetic.
Be vulnerable and try to make a connection
One of the worst mistakes that you can make when dealing with an irrational person is to be combative. Fighting and trying to prove that you’re right in these situations is a losing battle and one that will likely result in a scorched earth outcome. Resist the temptation to fight, even when the other person is clearly in the wrong. Instead, do your best to be vulnerable and connect with the rational person on the inside.
You’re not always going to win, but I’ve learned that you can remain strong and committed to an ideal while still being empathetic, vulnerable and open. The ability to talk someone down from the ledge, so to speak, is a skill that every leader needs to cultivate. It all stems from sincerity and the confident belief in the value of others. Only by appealing to their better nature can you make a meaningful connection with an irrational person and reach your mutual goals.

The 10 most important things in the world right now

MountainReuters/Russell CheyneThe mountain Buachaille Etive Mor is reflected in water near Ballachulish, Scotland, Britain March 9, 2016.
Good morning! Here's what you need to know on Friday.
1. European stocks ended Thursday largely in the red after a rollercoaster day, driven by the ECB's decision to cut rates and expand its bond buying programme. The ECB cut all of its main rates and said it would buy corporate bonds in its asset purchase program.
2. Apple has sent out the invites to its spring event on March 21 where it is expected to launch an upgraded 4-inch iPhone, a version of its professionally oriented iPad Pro with a 9.7-inch screen, and new Apple Watch software and bands.
3. One of China's largest steelmakers plans to shed up to 50,000 jobs, its chairman said, as the country struggles to reduce overcapacity while growth in the world's second-largest economy slows.
4. Former Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson, who dropped his bid last week, plans to endorse front-runner Donald Trump on Friday morning, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.
5. A division of bust payments business Powa Technologies that was sold last week could face a fight over the ownership of its core technology. Since falling into administration, Deloitte has sold off Powa's main UK businesses.
6. International money transfer startup WorldRemit quietly cut around 30 staff in London and the US last July. Business Insider was tipped off that WorldRemit, which was valued at $500 million in a funding round last year, made redundancies and withdrew job offers last year.
7. The Obama administration is planning to publicly blame Iranian hackers for a 2013 cyber attack against a small dam in New York state, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. The Justice Department has prepared an indictment against the hackers
8. Islamic State has significantly expanded its control over Libya, fueling demand by the country's warring parties for more arms to confront the threat, UN experts have told the Security Council.
9. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watched a ballistic missile launch test and ordered the country to improve nuclear attack capability by continuing to conduct more tests, the official KCNA news agency reported on Friday.
10. Online student media startup The Tab laid off at least six people at the start of the month, several people close to the company told Business Insider. The Tab, which employs around 50 people, has made more than one assistant editor redundant, along with two people on the creative team, and an employee who works in PR.
And finally ... These are the nine most expensive cities in the world to live in.

NOW WATCH: Paul Krugman gave us his top 3 investment tips

Seven things that caught our attention last week

Photo Credit:
We could not make it out last week due to some inexplicable reasons but we are back this week so enjoy the seven sporting events that caught our attention in the last seven days.
We had a Lagos football derby again
For the first time in almost a decade, Lagos saw two football teams – residing in the state go up in arms against each other. Even though the spectacle will be remembered for by the carnival atmosphere, it is still worth noting that MFM FC and Ikorodu United played to a 0-0 result at the famous Onikan Stadium. Long may this continue!!!

Adekuoroye continues her wrestling rise

Nigeria’s wrestling queen, Adekuoroye Odunayo, continued her ascent in the sport by leading Nigeria’s female wrestling team to Egypt where they claimed the 2016 African Wrestling Championships title that held in Alexandria, Egypt. The double-bronze medal winner at the 2015 World Wrestling Championship led seven other wrestlers to help Nigeria claim three gold, two silver and a bronze medals.
Ronaldo is not finished, yet!
No matter how you play it, Cristiano Ronaldo continues to prove that even at 31 years of age, he is still capable of delivering and boy he did deliver against Celta Vigo with four good goals – no penalty included.
And with those goals, the Portuguese became the first player in history to reach the 25-goal mark in La Liga for seven straight seasons. Okay, we can never talk about Ronaldo without a Lionel Messi aside. The Argentine needs another four to equal that mark.

Sports battling with drugs

Abeba Aregawi, the 2013 women’s 1500m champion, current world indoor champions and fifth-placed finisher in the 2012 Olympic final has been provisionally suspended after testing positive for a banned substance.
The Ethiopia-born Swede, 25, failed a test conducted by governing body, the IAAF, but has requested a B sample be tested. And just on Monday, female tennis icon, Maria Sharapova revealed that she failed a drug test at the Australia Open in January.
The various sport bodies know that with the demands on the athletes and the fame and money on show, drugs have become the ‘reliable’ option to keep up for athletes. This conversation will never go away…
Dolgopolov wins first career title
Pony-tailed Aleksandr Dolgopolov won his first ATP title when he defeated Marin Cilic 6-4, 3-6, 6-3 in the Croatia Open final.
The 27-year-old, who turned professional in 2006, had gotten close to winning his first title earlier this year in Costa do Sauipe, Brazil but lost that final to Nicolas Almagro.
Afterwards the player seeded 29 by the ATP said, “I feel great after winning my first title,” the 22-year-old Ukrainian said. “I hope more victories are to come.” We also hope so for him.

IFAB agrees to test Video Technology

Football’s governing body, the International Football Association Board [IFAB], took the decision to try out video technology in assisting referees. It has been a very sore point with referees continually making mistakes where a little video assistance could have solved the issues. It was also agreed that video technology would be used initially to mediate on goal incidents, award of penalty kicks and issuance of straight red cards.
And finally…
11-year-old stuns Tiger Woods with incredible shot
They say if you can, then you are not too young. That is what happened when 11-year-old Taylor Crozier stunned former world No.1Tiger Woods by holing the inaugural tee shot at a new golf course co-designed by Woods.
Crozier managed the feat on an 81-yard par three at The Playgrounds at Bluejack National in Montgomery, Texas. Crozier’s achievement earned him a hug from 14-time major winner Woods, who has been off the PGA Tour with back issues – and a mention on Twitter. “First hole at The Playgrounds and this happened,” Woods tweeted after the event.
You can watch the shot here:

10 Signs It's More Than Just Stress

​How to tell if your issues are deeper than everyday angst​.

Nobody's perfect. And the stressors we all face on a regular basis can bring out the worst in pretty much everyone. But some people's emotional turmoil runs a bit deeper than your average, everyday angst.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that 1 in 5 Americans lives with a mental health issue that can make their relationships, careers, and physical health feel a lot harder to handle. These issues include depression, anxiety, mood or personality disorders, as well as obsessive compulsive disorders, eating disorders, and addictions. Many of these problems crop up by age 24 and can affect people throughout adulthood. But the sooner you pick up on their symptoms, the better shot you have at managing them so they don't steer the course of your life.
Worried you're struggling with something more serious than stress? Here are 10 vital signs you may need to reach out for help.

1. Your sleep is out of whack. 

Difficulty falling or staying asleep, or sleeping way more than you usually, do are prime signs your mental health may need a bit more attention, psychiatrist and trauma specialist Sudhir Gadh, M.D., tells Sleep is one of our body's most basic — and necessary — functions. So it makes sense that its soundness is a barometer of how OK our minds and bodies are.
Occasional restlessness is to be expected. But if you've felt for more than a week that you can't wind down without prescription drugs, alcohol, or OTC sleep aids like melatonin, or you consistently struggle to get out of bed in the morning, Dr. Gadh points out your body is trying to tell you something.

2. Your interest in things you used to enjoy is totally flagging. 

"If you're starting to not enjoy what you usually do, that may be a sign you're dipping into depression or that your anxiety is getting the best of you," Dr. Gadh says. Same goes for when you just aren't feeling present or thrilled to be around people.

3. Your bar tab's gone (way) up. 

Drinking more than you used to or reaching for other substances to quell the chaos in your mind are key signs something inside you is begging to be cared for, says Dr. Gadh. The downside of this approach to facing our problems, he adds, is that many substances can exacerbate mental disarray while doing nothing to resolve the initial problem.

4. Literally everything makes you ragey. 

If you're over-focused on all the negative aspects of most people you know; lashing out at your partner, friends, family members, or coworkers more than usual; or if you've decided humanity is 100 percent horrible, there's likely a deeper reason for this than the fact that everybody sucks. 
Sure, increases in irritability, aggression, or swings in mood can be normal responses to some substances, a significant loss of adequate sleep, or a serious bout of low blood sugar (read: hanger). And yes, there are some people who are straight up annoying AF. But if you've eaten, slept enough, and aren't otherwise intoxicated (or over-caffeinated) yet still find yourself regularly freaking out at almost everyone around you, this could indicate you're struggling with a personality or mood disorder, says Dr. Gadh.
A heightened reactivity to minor frustrations combined with a history of volatile friendships and romances, for instance, is a hallmark of borderline personality disorder, while major shifts in excitability, energy levels, and aggressiveness toward others could be red flags for bipolar disorder.

5. You're engulfed by shame and guilt. 

Still hung up on a nasty comment someone made about you months ago? Fretting that you're the source of everyone else's sadness or frustration? Convinced you're a failure in some significant area of your life? If thoughts like these are a regular part of your inner life, this may mean, according to Dr. Gadh, that something more serious needs to be addressed.
"Excessive rumination — that coulda shoulda woulda thought process — or a preoccupation with everything you're doing wrong in your life," he adds, "indicates you've hit some kind of breaking point and need more support."

6. Your energy's zapped. 

Feeling run down, fatigued, and unable to think or move as quickly as you used to are connected to mood issues like depression, generalized anxiety disorder, as well as emotional burnout.

7. You can't concentrate. 

Forgetting things lately? Finding it tricky to focus during conversations or a meeting at work? Zoning out more than you used to? Dr. Gadh says that noticeable changes in your ability to pay attention or be present also indicate your mind's not in its best place.

8. Your appetite has disappeared or you're scarfing more food than you're used to. 

A hallmark of depression is loss of appetite, says Dr. Gadh. Much of this, he explains, has to do with a depressed person's difficulties deriving pleasure from pastimes like eating. As a result, they (not surprisingly) can lose noticeable weight. Hence why looser-fitting clothes can be occasional red flags for emotional issues.
Too much psychological turmoil may also make some of us load up on comfort foods, eat far more than we mean to, or engage in compulsive behaviors surrounding eating — including bingeing, purging, over-exercising, or obsessing over how much (or what) we're consuming. So consider any extreme deviations in your normal eating habits your psyche's way of screaming for help.

9. You just can't sit still. 

From anxiously signing up for back-to-back spin classes to occupying every inch of your free time with busy work, urges to engage in constant activity can also indicate you're avoiding something far more emotionally pressing, says Dr. Gadh.

10. You've considered some variation of the question, "What's the point anymore?" 

Starting to wonder if life's really worth it, feeling like you lack a purpose in the world or that your relationships and interests aren't meaningful are unmistakable signs something's wrong, says Dr. Gadh. "Ideally," he adds, "you really want to get help before you get to this point."

What to Do If the Above Rings True

Step one: Don't panic. Just because you experience any of the above signs of a deeper issue doesn't mean you're "crazy" nor does it indicate all hope is lost. Only a clinician can assess whether you actually meet the criteria for mental illness. And if this does turn out to be the case, rest assured: There is a range of research-backed treatments to help.
Step two: Reach out to people you trust will not judge you. Hugely important in the maintenance of your mental health, he adds, is to strengthen those social ties that help buffer you from life's inevitable setbacks. The sturdier your relationships, Dr. Gadh notes, the better able you are to bounce back from hardships. Ditto for accumulating more positive experiences with other people and involving yourself in endeavors that give your life more meaning.
Also consider connecting with a support group or mental health professional, says Dr. Gadh. There's no shame in seeking assistance to better your mental well-being, he reminds us. And though more serious mental health issues can by no means be solved in a snap, the quicker you seek support to identify and manage whatever you're grappling with, the sooner you'll take back control over the course of your life from any underlying issues. (Consulting with a qualified professional can help connect you to the approach that works best for you.)
Step three: "Make sure your life habits are engineered so you're not weakening yourself, overall" advises Dr. Gadh. Smoking; going overboard on sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and other substances; cheating on sleep; or not making time to sneak in some daily exercise can all wreck your mood, he says. See also: Skimping on vegetables or tucking away too many processed foods on a regular basis.
"Stress is like a force on a table," Dr. Gadh says. "We all feel it. But the stronger we make ourselves through self-care, social connectedness, and personal meaning, the more of it we'll be able to bear."

Shocking: Twins Found To Have Different Fathers After DNA Test

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A pair of twins have been found to have different fathers after their parents grew suspicious of their different looks.
The infants, now two-year-old, were sent for DNA tests after one started growing thick wavy hair while the other had thin, straight hair.
The parents, from Hoa Binh province in Vietnam, had initially been concerned that they had been given the wrong baby in the hospital.
But the tests by the Ha Noi Centre for Genetic Analysis and Technology proved the twins shared the same mother but had different fathers.
The mother’s 34-year-old husband was the father to one of the twins but the second twin was not – making them bi-paternal.
This is the first reported case of bi-paternal twins, which are extremely rare, in Vietnam.

Mysterious 13ft Sea Creature Washes Up On Beach In Mexico

It looks like something from a terrifying horror movie, but this is the mystery sea creature that’s baffled experts after washing up on a tourist beach in Mexico.
The monstrous 4-metre (13-foot-long) beast was discovered on Bonfil Beach, in the city of Acapulco, in the south-west Mexican state of Guerrero.
Stunned beach-goers stood around the beast and began taking photos - while also speculating on the possible species of the creature.
The creature’s body was washed on the shore by strong currents that have been affecting parts of the Mexican coast.
Rosa Comacho, the coordinator of the Civil Guard and Fire Brigade believes the animal had not been dead for a long time - but it has started to rapidly decay.
She said: ‘We have no idea what type of animal this is, but I do know that it does not smell bad or have a fetid aroma.
‘It is four metres long and was found on Bonfil Beach.’
The photos of the mysterious creature have since provoked huge debate online - with some suggesting that it might be a type of giant squid, while others have suggested that it is a whale.