Tuesday 1 March 2016

The 10 best new movies and TV shows coming to Netflix in March

Netflix giveth and Netflix taketh away, but in March there’s a whole lot more that the streaming giant plans to giveth than it will taketh away. In fact, we would go as far as to say that March 2016 is the single best month for new Netflix additions that we’ve seen in a long, long time. For that reason, we decided to stop and take a moment to dig through the list of new content coming to Netflix in March and pick out the best Netflix has to offer this month.
Each month, Netflix releases a giant list of all the movies and TV show seasons it plans to add in the following month. It also releases a giant list of content with licenses that are expiring, so it will no longer be available to stream. Because those lists are so huge, people generally give them a quick glance and then promptly forget everything they’ve just seen.
Well, we put together a list of 10 titles you won’t want to forget.
The following represents some of the best new movies and TV shows coming to Netflix in March, and they appear in the order in which they’ll be added to Netflix’s catalog. Today is March 1st and some of them have already been added to Netflix’s library, so we’ve included links on each of those titles that will take you directly to their Netflix pages so you can start streaming immediately or add them to your watch list.
Now that you’ve seen the best, be sure to take a look at the rest — here’s the full list of everything that will be added to Netflix’s catalog this month. And here’s the full list of everything that will be removed from Netflix in March.

Developing A Success Mindset: Goal-Setting, Simplified

Goal-setting is one of those things that seems like it should be very simple, but can often cause anguish and aggravation. Even worse, if it’s not done productively it can convince us that we’re doomed to failure and prompt us to give up on our dreams forever.

The number one mistake that most people make when goal-setting is reaching too high right from the get-go. There is nothing wrong with reaching high – in fact I encourage it. However, what most people fail to consider is the PROCESS of growth and development that must take place between where they begin and where they’d like to end up.

You wouldn’t expect an infant to set a goal to climb Mt. Everest, would you? Perhaps later when that infant has learned how to crawl and walk, and after he has grown into a man and strengthened his body and conditioned himself to deal with the harsh elements, and after he has tackled smaller and less dangerous mountains – yes. But not before the necessary growth, development and preparation have taken place.
Many people try to make a similar large leap when they set their goals. They want to transform themselves from a position of lack and fear to a position of power and success in a short period of time, and it’s just not likely. (Notice I didn’t say it was impossible! Stranger things have happened, but let’s just say it’s a rarity.)
The good news is that every large goal can be broken down into smaller, more manageable goals. If your goal is to climb Mt. Everest, you will first need to gain some experience mountain climbing, get into the best shape of your life, and so on. (I will assume that you are not an infant, so you have already mastered crawling, walking, and growing into an adult. ?)

Now, take another look at those smaller goals I listed above: gain mountain-climbing experience and get into great shape.
Even those steps can be broken down into smaller goals, such as buying some books or taking some classes to educate yourself on hiking and mountain climbing; joining a gym, starting a healthy eating plan, etc.
Successful goal-setting is as easy as learning how to identify the mini-goals that compose each larger goal, and focusing your efforts on THOSE FIRST. That doesn’t mean you can’t keep your larger goal in mind and keep pushing yourself to reach it. However, giving most of your attention to the smaller steps along the journey will result in less stress and much quicker progress.

Take another look at the vision you wrote for your life, and then ask yourself how this big achievement might be broken down into smaller steps. If you can come up with some reasonable action steps you can take immediately, you will gain confidence with each small achievement you make. As your confidence grows and you gain experience and knowledge, your action steps will automatically become bigger and bolder, and so will your results.

While you may be tempted to set a time frame for accomplishing your goals, I would advise caution. It’s okay to have an idea about when you will reach your goals because it can definitely keep you motivated and focused. But it can also backfire if you don’t see results quickly enough and make you give up out of sheer impatience.

What I said in the segment about expectations also applies here. Be reasonable and balanced about your goals. Just like you can’t expect to make a giant leap from “here” to “there”, you also can’t expect to accomplish everything overnight. There are two good ways to keep your goal-setting balanced:
Focus on the sense of accomplishment you get from every step you take. Rather than pinning your satisfaction only on the big goal you have in mind, allow yourself to feel good about the progress you’re making toward that goal. Feel proud about the great job you’re doing and really allow yourself to enjoy the journey.

Don’t worry about the time frame. This one is definitely more challenging, but it’s also very freeing! Instead of setting a time frame, simply commit to working steadily and enthusiastically on each small action step. Don’t buy into impatience if you don’t see results immediately – in fact, let the ACTIONS themselves be their own rewards. Feel good that you are strengthening your self-discipline and growing more completely into the person you were meant to be. Believe it or not, it’s very rewarding to take this type of attitude.

Again, do what you feel is best for YOU.

Total solar eclipse will occur March 8 and March 9


A full total eclipse will occur in just over a week’s time, on March 8 and March 9. A full solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves between the earth and the sun and almost completely blocks the light of the sun. This is different from the more rare Supermoon lunar eclipse that occurred in September when the moon passed through part of earth’s shadow.
The Epoch Times said the eclipse will be partially viewable to folks living in Australia, East Asia and Southeast Asia and will begin at 23:19 UTC on March 8. Folks living in the aforementioned regions of the world can expect the highlight of the show, which will only last about 4 minutes, at about 1:59 UTC on March 9, The Epoch Times explained. The full experience will only be available for residents of Indonesia, however.
If you live in one of those areas, be sure to look up at the sky on March 8 and March 9. It should be an exciting show, as usual.

Here's Where To See The Next Total Solar Eclipse:

for some, the sky is about to turn very dark. The next total solar eclipse takes place between Tuesday, Mar. 8 and Wednesday, Mar. 9.
Light will be blocked out as the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, but the eclipse will only be visible in totality from parts of southeast Asia.
NASA has released this animation to reveal exactly where and at what time the shadow will pass:
It will begin shortly after 6 p.m. EST over Indonesia and travel northeastwards for more than three hours over Borneo and out over the Pacific Ocean.
"Though only people along the narrow path of totality will see the total eclipse, millions more will see some degree of a partial solar eclipse in Asia and the Pacific, including Hawaii, Guam and parts of Alaska," NASA said in a statement.
"A partial eclipse will also be visible along the path of totality for over an hour before and after the total eclipse." The space agency has also created this stunning visual to illustrate the path it will take:
According to NASA, total solar eclipses occur only about once a year because the moon and the sun don't orbit in the exact same plane.
Space scientist Sarah Jaeggli, from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, said surroundings take on "a twilight cast" during the celestial phenomenon.
"The moon blocks the light of the sun's surface very, very precisely," said Jaeggli, who's seen two total solar eclipses. "You can see all the way down to the roots of the corona, where the atmosphere meets the sun's surface."
The total solar eclipse will last at each location for anything from 90 seconds to 4 minutes. It will cover 8,800 miles in length and at its widest point be some 97 miles across.
NASA warned people viewing the eclipse not to look directly at the sun.
"Eclipses can be viewed using a solar-filtered telescope, eclipse glasses, or a pinhole projector," the space agency said. "Even when 99 percent of the sun's surface is obscured by the moon, the unobscured sliver of the sun's surface can damage the eyes."
Skywatchers across Northern Europe and parts of Asia and Africa were treated to a total solar eclipse in March 2015. The next total solar eclipse after this month will be a coast-to-coast shadow across the U.S. on Aug 21, 2017. Here's where it will cross:
The Slooh community observatory will broadcast this next eclipse live from Indonesia via its website here.

Exclusive - China to lay off 5-6 million workers, earmarks at least $23 billion

By Benjamin Kang Lim, Matthew Miller and David Stanway
BEIJING (Reuters) - China aims to lay off 5-6 million state workers over the next two to three years as part of efforts to curb industrial overcapacity and pollution, two reliable sources said, Beijing's boldest retrenchment programme in almost two decades.
China's leadership, obsessed with maintaining stability and making sure redundancies do not lead to unrest, will spend nearly 150 billion yuan (16.49 billion pound) to cover layoffs in just the coal and steel sectors in the next 2-3 years.
The overall figure is likely to rise as closures spread to other industries and even more funding will be required to handle the debt left behind by "zombie" state firms.
The term refers to companies that have shut down some of their operations but keep staff on their rolls since local governments are worried about the social and economic impact of bankruptcies and unemployment.
Shutting down "zombie firms" has been identified as one of the government's priorities this year, with China's Premier Li Keqiang promising in December that they would soon "go under the knife"..
The government plans to lay off five million workers in industries suffering from a supply glut, one source with ties to the leadership said.
A second source with leadership ties put the number of layoffs at six million. Both sources requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to media about the politically sensitive subject for fear of sparking social unrest.
The ministry of industry did not immediately respond when asked for comment on the reports.
The hugely inefficient state sector employed around 37 million people in 2013 and accounts for about 40 percent of the country's industrial output and nearly half of its bank lending.
It is China's most significant nationwide retrenchment since the restructuring of state-owned enterprises from 1998 to 2003 led to around 28 million redundancies and cost the central government about 73.1 billion yuan ($11.2 billion) in resettlement funds.
On Monday, Yin Weimin, the minister for human resources and social security, said China expects to lay off 1.8 million workers in the coal and steel industries, but he did not give a timeframe.
China aims to cut capacity gluts in as many as seven sectors, including cement, glassmaking and shipbuilding, but the oversupplied solar power industry is likely to be spared any large-scale restructuring because it still has growth potential, the first source said.
The government has already drawn up plans to cut as much as 150 million tonnes of crude steel capacity and 500 million tonnes of surplus coal production in the next three to five years.
It has earmarked 100 billion yuan in central government funds to deal directly with the layoffs from steel and coal over the next two years, vice-industry minister Feng Fei said last week.
The Ministry of Finance said in January it would also collect 46 billion yuan from surcharges on coal-fired power over the coming three years in order to resettle workers. In addition, an assortment of local government matching funds will also be made available.
However, the funds currently being offered will do little to resolve the problems of debts held by zombie firms, which could overwhelm local banks if they are not handled correctly.
"They have proposed this dedicated fund only to pay the workers, but there is no money for the bad debts, and if the bad debts are too big the banks will have problems and there will be panic," said Xu Zhongbo, head of Beijing Metal Consulting, who advises Chinese steel mills.
Factories shut down would have to repay bank loans to avoid saddling state banks with a mountain of non-performing loans, the sources said. "Triangular debt", or money owed by firms to other enterprises, would also have to be resolved, they added.
Although China has promised to help local banks transfer the bad debts of zombie steel mills to asset management firms, local governments are not expected to gain access to the worker lay-off funds until the zombie firms have actually been shut down and debt issues settled.

CHECK THIS OUT: help a friend: How to Stop Snoring and Improve Your Health

LEGALIZATION OF MARIJUANA: US legalized pot industry poised for major expansion

beware: too good to be true.... but still true with the right knowledge and application: Start Making $600,000 Per Month

"Zika" Rio Olympics to charge teams for mosquito screens to prevent virus

Zika: Rio Olympics to charge teams for mosquito screens to prevent virus

Philip Wilkinson, Spokesman for the Rio 2016 organizing committee, said the screens, would be installed in communal areas "where required" but only affixed to lodging if national delegations decide to pay for it.

Rio Olympics to charge teams for mosquito screens to prevent Zika  Rio Olympics to charge teams for mosquito screens to prevent Zika

Olympics organizing committee, said on Monday in Rio de Janeiro, that it would charge national delegations to have mosquito screens on athletes' rooms.
It said that this measure has become imperative because athletes are increasingly concerned about the outbreak of the Zika virus in Brazil.
Philip Wilkinson, Spokesman for the Rio 2016 organizing committee, said the screens, would be installed in communal areas "where required" but only affixed to lodging if national delegations decide to pay for it.
"The screens’’, is one measure Brazilians are using to help ward off the mosquito that is the primary transmitter of Zika,
He, however said that even though the committee has not placed a price on the screen, yet low-end screens attached to windows with Velcro can cost as little as 15 dollars while more rigid and durable screens can cost over 100 dollars, market price.
Wilkinson said a growing number of international athletes in recent weeks have expressed deep concern about Zika, a virus that has been linked in Brazil to more than 4,000 suspected cases of microcephaly.
He said the link has led the World Health Organisation to declare the Zika outbreak a global emergency.
Wilkinson said WHO, director has warned during his Brazil that the virus should not affect international travel nor prevent a successful Olympics in Brazil.
"But it has said that effective control of mosquitoes is the most important means of stopping transmission.
Wilkinson said Olympic organizers in Rio are following WHO recommendations.
He said the game venues and major tourist attractions would be inspected daily during the games, which start Aug. 5 and end Aug. 21, to ensure there are no puddles or other possible breeding grounds for the insects.
Wilkinson said organisers would make mosquito repellent available in lodging areas and that all athletes' rooms would be air conditioned.
"Still, some delegations are taking extra steps to protect their athletes.
It said the infections known as Aedes aegypti, can be as bad in August of some years as they are during what would normally be peak months for infections in others.
It noted that so far this year, possibly because of warmer-than-usual weather, local infections of dengue, a virus related to Zika, are far worse than in 2015.
City officials said doctors have reported more than 6,000 cases of Zika in Rio since January.
Brazil's national government said as many as 1.5 million people may have been infected across the country.
Meanwhile, Australia's Olympic team said it had signed a sponsorship deal with a repellent maker to supply its athletes with the deterrent.
Marcus Freire, Executive Director Brazilian Olympic Committee, said its committee has already decided to pay for the screens in the lodging for its more than 400 athletes.
He said it has also required that Nike Inc , its official supplier, for more long-sleeve apparel to help athletes protect themselves.
Brazilian and Olympic officials have sought to dispel concerns about Zika in August by saying that the month mid-winter in the southern hemisphere - is typically a time when there are fewer mosquitoes in Rio.
But an undisclosed source revealed that recent review of municipal health data showed that other infections spread by the same mosquito.

Lassa fever Kaduna confirms three dead in fresh outbreak

The deadly disease, spread by rats has claimed three lives in a fresh outbreak; one patient and two health care givers have been confirmed dead in Kaduna state
It is reported that the lassa fever is transmitted by rats.  It is reported that the lassa fever is transmitted by rats.
‎Lassa Fever has killed a medical doctor, nurse and a heavily pregnant woman in a fresh outbreak in Kaduna State, Commissioner for Health, Professor Andrew Nok has confirmed.  He said the three people were killed by Lassa fever in a private hospital in Zonkwa, Southern part of Kaduna state.
Professor Nok while giving explanation said the nurse and the medical doctor contracted the disease after administering medication on the pregnant woman at Saint Loius Hospital, Zonkwa in Zangon Kataf Local government area of the state.
Pulse gathered that the doctor, a National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) member serving in Zonkwa, alongside the nurse and the pregnant woman all died of the disease, according to a result of their blood test conducted in Jos, Plateau State.
The doctor who was identified as Kelechi Ogboji, Ebony State University (EBSU) trained medical doctor and a 2015 Batch ‘A’ corps doctor, was serving at St. Louis Hospital Zonkwa, and was scheduled to pass out on the 24th of March, 2016 before the incident.
According to residents the pregnant woman was admitted at the hospital on Tuesday 16th February, 2016 and later died. Dr Kelechi died on Friday 19th, 2016 while the nurse died a day before him, February 18th.
Apart from Kaduna State government confirmation, about 23 states out of Nigeria’s 36 states recorded lassa fever outbreak.
Dr. Kelechi Ogboji  Dr. Kelechi Ogboji
(Echo of hope)

Here’s Justin Bieber’s Net Worth on His 22nd Birthday

Pop star Justin Bieber’s birthday is March 1 and the bad boy heartthrob is turning 22 years old. Plans for his birthday festivities haven’t been made public, but last year he used the occasion to film the Justin Bieber Roast Comedy Central special as a way of apologizing for his habitually immature behavior. Of course, after the taping he headed to Omnia nightclub in Las Vegas to celebrate with celebrities like Kris Jenner and Katherine McPhee and hundreds of die-hard Beliebers.

Justin Bieber Net Worth: $200 Million

Justin Bieber has come a long way since his rise to fame as a 13-year-old YouTube sensation raised by a single mother. The net worth of Justin Bieber is currently $200 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, but this is likely to increase monumentally as his earning power is estimated at $60 to $80 million per year.

Justin Bieber Music

Just about everything Justin Bieber touches turns to gold, platinum or multi-platinum. The latest Justin Bieber album “Purpose” was released on Nov. 14, 2015 and within weeks sold 1 million copies, joining the ranks of his other top-sellers “Believe,” “Under the Mistletoe,” “My World 2.0” and “My World.”
Since his 2015 comeback, the singer’s churned out three Billboard chart toppers, which were his first ever. First, there was the 2015 hit “What Do You Mean?” then “Sorry” and the February 2016 sensation “Love Yourself,” shown below.
The immense success of his albums has proven extremely lucrative for Justin Bieber. His 2010 album “My World 2.0” brought in $6.4 million — according to TheRichest — followed by $3.1 million for 2011’s “Under the Mistletoe” and $7.1 million for 2012’s “Believe.”
Read More: What It Costs to Drive Like Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber Concerts

Justin Bieber concerts are even more profitable. His 2010 “My World” tour earned him $44 million, followed by $12.25 million for 35 shows on the Believe tour in 2012 and another $42.7 million for 122 shows on the 2013 leg of the tour. His Purpose world tour will have 58 shows and kick off March 9 in Seattle.
His music has also landed him on the silver screen. In 2011, his feature film “Never Say Never” earned $98 million worldwide.

Justin Bieber Awards

In 2016, Justin Bieber’s “Where Are U Now” won a GRAMMY for Best Dance Recording. But the singer is no stranger to awards. Bieber has earned a slew of other honors, including eight American Music Awards, 14 Billboard Music Awards and two People’s Choice Awards.
Bieber often manages to command the stage too, serving as a regular performer at shows like the GRAMMYs, MTV Video Music Awards, American Music Awards and the Teen Choice Awards.
Read More: Justin Bieber to Peyton Manning — 30 Millionaires Born in March

Justin Bieber Endorsements

Music isn’t the only factor behind Justin Bieber’s net worth. In 2010, he struck a $3 million endorsement deal with the skincare line Proactiv, which was only the beginning of his presence in the beauty industry. In 2011, he earned $3 million in royalties from his first fragrance Someday — which broke records as the bestselling celebrity fragrance launch in Macy’s history.
In 2015, Justin Bieber became an underwear model. Calvin Klein signed the star as a brand ambassador and he appeared scantily-clad in a series of ads with model Lara Stone. In a 2016 campaign, Kendall Jenner appears as his co-star.

Justin Bieber House and Property

Over the past few years, the “Boyfriend” singer hasn’t had the best luck putting down roots. In 2012, he purchased a 9,214 sq. ft. mansion for $6.5 million in a gated Calabasas, Calif., community, but his hard-partying ways clashed with the family-friendly neighborhood. Just two years later, in 2014, Justin Bieber’s house was sold to Khloe Kardashian for $7.2 million.
Afterward, he simultaneously rented two condos in a swanky Beverly Hills, Calif., building, but continued to anger neighbors with his heavy partying. He then moved on to a Beverly Hills mansion that cost him $60,000 per month in rent. Later, he downgraded to another palatial home in the same area with nearly half the monthly price tag — $35,000. Recently, Justin Bieber has been living at the Montage hotel in Beverly Hills, according to TMZ.
Read More: Justin Bieber Net Worth — New Song Expected to Make the Pop Star Even Richer

Justin Bieber Philanthropy

Justin Bieber’s reputation certainly took a hit in recent years, but regardless of his sometimes less-than-impressive antics, he’s proven himself to have a giving heart. For his 17th birthday, he encouraged Beliebers to make donations to a clean water campaign, a move that raised $47,148 and helped more than 2,357 people. He continued this for his 18th birthday, asking fans to donate $18 for clean water or start a fundraiser of their own. The celebration brought in $21,657 and resulted in the creation of 821 new campaigns.
He also gave the net profits from his Someday perfume to charity and has donated many personal items to an eBay auction benefiting the Stratford House of Blessing food bank that helped him as a child. One article of clothing he donated, Nike basketball shoes, sold for $62,000.
Justin Bieber’s charitable giving isn’t just limited to financial donations. In 2013, he became the first recording artist to grant 200 wishes through the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Later that year, he gave the shoes off his feet to an underprivileged child in Guatemala. He even won the Champ of Charity honor at the Young Hollywood Awards, which was presented by a young Make-A-Wish recipient.
While en route to a nightclub in January 2016, Justin Bieber stopped to help an elderly woman who was the victim of an alleged hit-and-run accident, and when his pal Floyd Mayweather’s young children were involved in a car accident in 2014, he beelined to the scene to offer moral support.
During the past year, Justin Bieber has done a lot of work to revamp his image, and his hard work is paying off. It also seems the Justin Bieber-Selena Gomez relationship is finally over; he is reportedly trying to cover a tattoo on his wrist that he got for her and is rumored to be dating model Hailey Baldwin. The next year looks promising for the 22-year-old star and will likely boost his net worth even higher.

Most powerful Lamborghini ever is already sold out

Lamborghini unveiled a new 770 horsepower supercar with a $2 million price tag at the Geneva Motor Show Tuesday.

But if you want to buy one, put your American Express Black Card back in your wallet. Only 40 are being built and they're all already sold, even before the rest of us go to see what the new car looks like.
But, here, you can look at it.
The Lamborghini Centanario was created to celebrate the 100th birthday of Lamborghini founder Ferruccio Lamborghini, who died in 1993. Lamborghini, who had become wealthy as a tractor manufacturer, created his own car company in 1963 when, according to company lore, he got tired of dealing with finicky Ferraris.
Lamborghini centenariao racing
The Lamborghini Centanario was created to celebrate the 100th birthday of founder Ferruccio Lamborghini.

Of the 40 Centenarios, 20 will be hard-top and 20 will be convertibles. The cars will have a V12 engine, the most powerful Lamborghini has ever produced, and can go from a stop to 60 miles an hour in less than 2.8 seconds. Top speed is over 217 miles per hour, according to Lamborghini.
The car's body is made entirely from lightweight carbon fiber. Like most Lamborghinis, it has all-wheel-drive but it also has four-wheel-steering. At low speeds, the back wheels turn in the opposite direction of the front for tighter cornering. At high speeds, the wheels turn in the same direction for smoother lane changes.
Related: Mind-blowing supercars of 2015
In terms of color and trim, each car will be built according to the individual customers' specifications.
Lamborghini makes what it calls "one off" cars like this to show its technological capabilities, the automaker said. They're usually pre-sold at invite-only private events for the brand's best customers.
Lamborghini, like Bugatti, Bentley and Porsche, is part of the Volkswagen (VLKAY) Group.


AUSTIN - The Travis County Health Department confirmed a second case of the Zika Virus in the county Monday afternoon.
The new case is in a 50-year-old female who contracted the disease while traveling in Colombia. Both cases of Zika that have been found in Travis County were contracted while traveling in other countries.
However, the mosquito that carries Zika is endemic in Central Texas.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have advised all pregnant women to consider postponing travel to areas where Zika virus transmission is ongoing, primarily Central and South America.
Researchers are continuing to investigate the possible link between Zika and microcephaly, reported mainly in Brazil, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.
The general illness caused by Zika is typically gone within a week and carries common symptoms of: fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis.
Experts say measures like draining any collected water on your property, wearing long-sleeved shirts and long pants, checking your window screens, and using EPA-registered repellents are all helpful at preventing the mosquitoes that carry the virus from coming around

Woman tests positive for Zika virus at Chicago hospital


CHICAGO (STMW) - A woman who recently traveled abroad has tested positive for the Zika virus at a Chicago hospital.
The woman visited her primary care doctor at a Presence Health office in Chicago in late January with symptoms of a viral infection, CEO of Presence Saint Joseph Hospital Dr. Robert Luskin-Hawk said at a press conference Monday morning. The patient had recently traveled to Colombia, which is experiencing a significant outbreak of the mosquito-borne virus.
A Zika test was sent to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia, which showed a positive result. The woman went home after the doctor’s visit and was never admitted to the hospital. She is not pregnant and has since made a full recovery.

Four 'everyday millionaires' reveal how they made so much money


When you picture a millionaire’s lifestyle, does townhouse living or budgeting only $40,000 a year come to mind?
Probably not. But it’s that type of frugal living that helped four everyday people to amass their seven-figure net worth and, along with it, financial security.
More than 10 million U.S. households have a net worth of $1 million or more, a record high representing nearly 9 percent of all households in the country.
While that seems like a small percentage, it’s still one in 11 households, which means a millionaire could be tucked away in your neighborhood rather than leading an extravagant life peppered with luxuries and indulgences.
TFT interviewed four “everyday millionaires,” including Darrow Kirkpatrick, 55, of Santa Fe, New Mexico; Julie Rains, 55, of Winston-Salem, North Carolina; Jeremy Jacobson, 37, world resident; and Jeff Johnson, 41, of Somerset County, New Jersey. Through disciplined saving and savvy, yet simple investing, they grew their wealth enough to travel the world, retire years earlier than the norm and enjoy peace of mind.
“These millionaires next door don’t have lavish lifestyles,” says Farnoosh Torabi a personal finance expert who also interviewed these everyday millionaires on her daily “So Money” podcast. “But they enjoy their lives. They are very conscious how they want to design their lives to get a lot of financial security.”
So how did they do it? Some of the commonalities among the four include hyper-saving, smart and consistent investing and thoughtful spending when it comes to homes, cars, vacations and small treats. They also benefited from earning higher salaries during their working years versus the median income along with other blessings when it came to covering education expenses and health care costs.
Here are their secrets.

Save…and Then Save Some More

Americans on average save 5.5 percent of their after-tax income, according to the latest data available, while conventional wisdom is to put 10 percent away. But these everyday millionaires are socking away a whole lot more. “They are super savers,” says Torabi. “They cut it out of their budget and live with what they have left.”
Jeff Johnson, who works in pharma marketing and sales, says that he and his family live on less than half of his take-home pay and save the rest. That may not seem like a lot to live on, but it’s enough to allow his wife to stay home to care for their three-year-old son. “Whenever we had an opportunity like a bonus or promotion, we never increased our lifestyle,” says Johnson, who estimates his net worth at $2.5 million, not including his home.
Jeremy Jacobson and his wife, Winnie—whose net worth is well north of $1 million—put away more than 70 percent of their income for over 10 years before retiring more than three years ago to travel the world with their baby son. Jacobson said when he first met his wife in Beijing on a business trip, she was already saving half of her income. They worked up to the 70 percent—it didn’t happen all at once—by making small changes in their lifestyle along the way.
“If you’re looking at after-tax income and you’re saving 10 percent, after about nine years, you roughly have enough money to take one year off,” Jacobson says. “But if you’re saving 90 percent of income, you can take nine years off after saving nine years.”

Invest Wisely

A large part of these everyday millionaires’ success was investing their savings for the long term. That meant first maxing out contributions to 401(k)s, IRAs and ROTH retirement plans and getting the full company match on employer-sponsored plans, if one existed.
After that, the majority of these millionaires kept their investing strategy simple. Darrow Kirkpatrick, who has a net worth between $1 million and $2 million, has only seven holdings for his money. “They are mostly mutual funds, index or very low-cost managed fund with about 50/50 stock and bond,” he says. “That’s pretty much how it’s been since the early 2000s.”
401(k) 401kFlickr/_e.tA 401(k) tip jar.
Jacobsen and Johnson also use mostly index funds. Interestingly, all three swear by Vanguard’s funds, which are low cost.
Julie Rains, who said her net worth is in the millions but didn’t disclose an amount, prefers mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and individual stocks. “It does take some time to pick those stocks, but I do like that the best,” she says. “What I like to look for is a solid performer that is well-priced.”

Reduce Large Expenses

Kirkpatrick says one of the keys to his success was not overspending on real estate. He and his family owned one modest home in Tennessee for 17 years and only renovated before selling it. “We weren’t house-swapping. We also didn’t dump a lot of money into the house,” says Kirkpatrick, who retired in 2011. “It’s clear that people put huge amounts into their homes and that has huge costs for their financial freedom.” Now, he and his wife rent their two-bedroom condo in Santa Fe for $1,500 a month.
Similarly, Rains has lived in the same home for decades and when she bought it, she didn’t stretch. Both Kirkpatrick and Rains don’t borrow to buy cars—Kirkpatrick and his wife share only one. They buy recent, used models and keep them for as long as they can.
“If you’re making a car loan payment, you’re not investing that money,” says Rains.
Jacobson and his wife didn’t buy a home and don’t have a car. They chose rentals in Seattle that were located in a walkable neighborhood, close to the bus line and as cheap as they could find. Jacobson also biked to work to save on commuting costs.

cooking in kitchen Marjan Lazarevski on Flickr One millionaire said he saved money by eating at home for 90% of his meals.Cut Out Frivolous Line Items

Even when Jacobson and his wife went on vacation—which weren’t lavish—they did it with saving in mind. “We would sign up for a credit card reward program to get free flights and hotel,” he says. “Our honeymoon was 10 days hiking around Mt. Rainier in Seattle. It basically cost us nothing.”
Johnson—who lives with his family in the townhouse he bought in 2004—carefully monitors their spending. It’s a practice he started as a senior in high school, which made him realize how much money he spent simply buying lunch.
“I still bring my lunch to work,” he says. “Is it worth spending $2,000 a year on lunch?”
To get around the urge to eat out, Jacobson’s wife spent a lot of time becoming a serious cook. “Ninety percent of our food comes out of our kitchen, and her cooking is better than most any restaurant we could go to,” he says.
The sacrifices paid off. They now are globetrotting around the world, spending a few months in different countries—now in Malaysia, Europe in the spring—with a $40,000-a-year budget. They have found they can live like kings on that budget in many low-cost countries.

Possibility Starts With a Good-Paying Job

To be sure, these everyday millionaires were blessed with a few advantages that helped catapult their net worth. For starters, each had jobs that on average make more than the median income. Johnson works in pharma sales and marketing and, his wife, before staying home to care for their child, worked at a university as a department psychologist. Jacobson was an engineer at Microsoft and his wife was a project manager at Dell.
Kirkpatrick was a software engineer. He also has affordable health insurance in retirement because his wife, who was a public school teacher, was allowed to buy into her health insurance.
Rains’ husband still works as a logistics manager, working toward a full pension, and provides medical insurance through his work. Before, they profited from his company’s stock program “that did very well,” says Rains, who previously worked for a regional bank and now is a part-time freelance writer.
As for college expenses, Rains had one son go to in-state university with affordable tuition that was covered by savings. Kirkpatrick’s son ended up getting a full scholarship to a public university, while Johnson himself got a scholarship for his schooling. (His wife, though, ended up with undergraduate and graduate school debt. Both Jacobson and his wife were saddled with huge student loans they paid off.)

moneyFlickr/401(K) 2012Manage the Bumps in the Road

The journey toward a seven-figure net worth wasn’t always smooth. I did some dumb things in the beginning, fortunately with small sums of money,” says Kirkpatrick. One of his most memorable mistakes was getting involved in the dot-com mania. “I invested a few thousand dollars, quadrupled my money and then watched it go back down to the price I bought it at,” he recalls.
Jacobson tried and failed at real estate investing and picking individual stocks. He ended up settling on index investing. “It’s easy, even if at first it feels like you aren’t getting any traction,” he says.
Rains found that she hadn’t saved enough for her youngest son’s college education. He went to an out-of-state school, which cost more. “I definitely would have set aside money in a 529 more quickly when they got popular,” she says. “I would have also taken my child to visit more in-state schools during high school.”
Johnson fell for his weakness for cars, but not too hard. He bought a BMW five years ago with all cash. “If I take a step back, I could have saved $5,000 or $10,000 buying another car. Was it the smartest thing?” he says. “You got to live, too, and enjoy life. You can’t always save. I still enjoy driving that car.”

Possible Side Effects of Birth Control — From the Pill to IUDs

Oh, the joys of being a woman: The additional cost tacked onto commonplace interactions, the obligation to deal with casual slut-shaming and bearing the bulk of the birth control responsibility. And then there are the little-known side effects that accompany most every form of contraception — the fun just doesn't stop.
Read more: Male Birth Control Could Soon Be a Thing — It All Depends on When Pharma Funds It
Birth control does many things, aside from the obvious prevention of pregnancy. We've compiled a list of some notable complaints attached to the most popular contraceptives, because of knowledge being power and all that jazz. 

The Pill

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Possible Side Effects of Birth Control — From the Pill to IUDs
Source: Wikipedia/Creative Commons
While it can clear up problem skin and regulate a woman's menstrual cycle, the birth control pill can also result in more frequent yeast infections, dry eyes, more severe migraine headaches in women already prone to them and painful sex, which may be linked to a drop in libido. 
Then there's the risk of blood clots, which, according to HealthDay, is higher in newer pill brands (albeit still low). The estrogen and progestin in hormonal birth control can lead to the development of clots in the veins (deep vein thrombosis) and/or lungs (pulmonary embolism). Blood clots become dangerous when they circulate to the heart, lungs or brain. Women who are concerned should seek medical attention ASAP.
Depression is probably the most controversial side effect stemming from oral contraception. While the evidence is mostly anecdotal and doctors haven't reached consensus on the matter, according to Elizabeth Reynoso, M.D. in Shape, the synthetic hormones found in the pill "can wreak havoc with your mood," especially in women with a personal or family history of depression and/or anxiety.


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Possible Side Effects of Birth Control — From the Pill to IUDs
Source: Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images
Because it's also a hormonal contraceptive, Nuvaring comes with many of the same side effects as the pill, such as blood clots, mood swings, weight gain, migraines and diminished sex drive, according to its website. Because it takes up temporary residence in the vagina, however, Nuvaring can also result in cervical irritation. 
And then, there's toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a health problem commonly associated with tampons left in too long. TSS is often heralded by a fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting and dizziness. Caused by bacterial infection, TSS is rare but can be fatal; Nuvaring users should be diligent about switching rings on schedule.


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Possible Side Effects of Birth Control — From the Pill to IUDs
Source: CC BY-SA 2.0 fr/Wikipedia
The intrauterine device, or IUD, is a much-touted thing, in part because it's the most effective form of reversible birth control. But it's not without its downsides. There are two types of IUD: hormonal and copper, both of which pose a small risk of uterine perforation — meaning the device could puncture the wall of the uterus — and expulsion, which is only dangerous in that it can result in unintended pregnancy if the woman doesn't notice that the device has left her uterus.
The hormonal IUD, of course, can result in the same side effects as the aforementioned forms of birth control. The copper option — typically, ParaGard — can mean torrential periods and, as such, more intense cramping and period pain. Anemia is also a possibility with copper IUDs, as is vaginal inflammation. Joy.  
These are the risks we take to keep our bodies from hosting babies before we're ready. At the end of the day, though, the likelihood that any one of these side effects will manifest remains relatively small. Any and all birth control concerns should be discussed with a healthcare provider.

10 Morning Habits You Should Steal From Super Successful Entrepreneurs

Mornings are the most productive time of the day. One of the many reasons for people becoming super successful is that they know how to make the most of the mornings. It’s when your brain is at its best and is capable of producing astounding results.
Here are ten morning habits you should steal from super successful entrepreneurs to be more like them:

1. Being an early riser.

Try waking up, at least, an hour earlier than your usual routine. It will give you enough time to plan things well and ensure that you have time for everything, without the need to postpone tasks. Most successful entrepreneurs wake up really early as it gives them time to do so much more than usual. Apple CEO, Tim Cook wakes up at 4.30 every morning and starts sending company emails.

2. Sweating it out.

Burning some calories on a daily basis is quite essential to your fitness and morning is the best time to exercise. Most successful people make it a point to indulge in some form of physical activity to burn calories and stay healthy. Chase Garbarino, the CEO of VentureApp and the former CEO of Streetwise Media does a high-intensity workout every morning to keep himself fit and spend some quality time with his wife.

3. Taking a nice, long shower.

Most people crack the biggest ideas in the bathroom. After all, Archimedes discovered buoyancy while bathing in his bathtub. Apart from the common health benefits, a nice, long shower is an excellent way to relax and prepare for a tough day ahead. There are high chances of you getting the next big idea while showering.

4. Never skipping breakfast.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It provides your body the exact set of nutrients it requires for starting the day on a good note. Moreover, eating a good breakfast also helps you stay full till lunch time and prevents mindless snacking. Since you keep away from junk, you tend to be healthier and more alert throughout the day.

5. Catching up on the news.

Successful people make it a point to catch up on current affairs and know what’s happening around them. They read newspapers and magazines every morning or watch the news on TV. If you wish to be successful as well, it’s essential to know what’s trending in the country because it could make a huge difference to your work.

6. Making a to-do list.

Never start your day without making a to-do list. It gives you a clear idea of what you need to accomplish by the end of the day and prevents you from losing focus. It also helps ensure that you don’t leave any important task pending and attend to everything that’s on priority.

7. Seeing what competitors are up to.

While working on your projects, it’s equally important to keep an eye on what your competition is up to. Only if you’re aware of their plans will you be able to be better than them.Therefore, keeping a watch on your rivals is something you should do every morning. Go through their social media handles and ensure that you’re doing better than them.

8. Spending some quality time with family.

Most successful people start their day by spending some quality time with their family. Whether it’s while having breakfast together or discussing something else, spending time together is the key. Apart from helping you build a better bond with them, it helps take the stress away from you.

9. Visualizing a successful day.

Before stepping out to work, it’s essential to prepare yourself mentally for a productive and successful day ahead. If you trick your mind into believing that you’ll have a great day ahead, the chances of it actually happening increase. It gives a positive boost to your morale, and you feel prepared to face all challenges.

10. Starting with the hardest job.

Since mornings are the most productive time of the day, and it’s mostly the time when your motivation levels are at peak, it’s the perfect time to start working on a project that’s either the hardest or the most boring of the lot. The chances of cracking this hard nut are substantially high in the mornings compared to any other time of the day.

10 Foods to Eat To Lower Your Cholesterol

Image source: The Story of Chocolate 

10 Foods to Eat To Lower Your Cholesterol

Nigeria government's audit removes nearly 24,000 non-existent workers

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari
The Nigerian government has removed nearly 24,000 workers from its payroll after an audit revealed they did not exist, the Finance Ministry has said.
The move has enabled a monthly saving of around $11,5m (£8m).
The audit is

BEST WEBSITE BUILDERS: Weebly Vs. Web.com – Top Site Builders Duke It Out

Want to get the best website builder for your time and money? See how Web.com weighs in versus Weebly in this head to head feature comparison. We make it easy for you to decide which builder is the best option for you, so you can get your site up and running fast.

1. Templates

With over 2500 stunning designs, Web.com takes the cake here. The templates are easily searchable to find the ideal theme for your industry and style. Weebly’s template variety isn’t as strong as most, but switching templates is a breeze. You can play around with the code to get the design you want, ideal for people with coding background or design skills. Winner: Web.com
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2. Ease of Use

Weebly’s whole experience is super smooth. It’s extremely clear and easy to use, changes are simple to implement, and they offer possibly the most intuitive drag and drop tool in the industry. Web.com, is not as simple to use on your own, emphasizing on custom-built sites rather than DIY option. Winner: Weebly

3. e-Commerce

Web.com has fabulous e-Commerce solutions that can help you manage and track your sites easily. Features include full payment processors (even PayPal), simple add products functionality, order management tools, customer tracking, reports, coupon code-maker, and tracking codes to name a few. Weebly has good e-Commerce solutions, but it’s got a long way to go. They offer a basic shopping cart and it’s easy to add products, but the features and apps need to include more email, analytics, management and responsiveness to compete. Winner: Web.com

4. Features

Both sites offer analytics, custom domain, hosting, social features, and some form of SEO tools. Weebly recently launched their Carbon version, though, which tips the scales. This feature-rich platform includes a real-time dashboard loaded with stats of traffic and e-commerce, a comprehensive site editor, mobile apps for on the go tweaks, and an app center that allows you to integrate with third-party services. Winner: Weebly

5. Mobile Responsive

Weebly offers fully mobile responsive themes that look great, function smoothly and respond well to the touch. As mentioned, they provide a mobile app that lets you monitor and edit while using a mobile device. Web.com doesn’t actually have mobile dedicated themes. Rather, their themes will adjust to the mobile device, but this can be choppy at times. Also, there’s no mobile app for editing, and all maintenance is done on a separate account from the desktop site, which is rather cumbersome. Winner: Weebly
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6. Customer Support

Weebly has decent support include a support page, live chat and email, and dedicated phone support for Pro or Business plan members.Web.com has all that, but they’ve got something even better. Personalized website coaches will walk you through every step of the design process, even critiquing your site for optimal performance and style. Winner: Web.com

7. Bottom Line

Both options deliver quality service and a top-notch website. Web.com is the preferred choice, though, if you don’t have the time or design skills to really craft the kind of winning website design that makes you stand out. Visit Web.com >>