Friday 5 February 2016

An illiterate Father(Akpos) with his Educated son


An illiterate Father(Akpos) with his Educated son went on a camping trip. They set up their tent and fell asleep.
Some hours later, Akpos wakes his Son up and asks ” Look up to the sky and tell me what you see?”
Son: I see millions of stars.
Akpos: What does that tell you, son?
Son: “Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of Galaxies & Planets.”
Akpos slaps Son hard and says, “You idiot! Pesin don thief our Tent   (meaning, Someone has stolen our tent)

Biology Exam Question:

Biology Exam Question:
Draw the Female reproductive Organ? As the exam was going on..a girl looked btw her legs Αnd a boy saw her Απd shouted ''Sir she's cheating,she's copying from d Original source....'

Buhari proceeds on 5-day vacation, Osinbajo to act as President

President Buhari has begun a short vacation from today, Feb. 5 to February 10, 2016. A statement by Special Adviser to Buhari on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, says that while Buhari is away, the Vice President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo will perform the functions of the President.

The statement added that in compliance with Section 145 (1) of the Nigerian Constitution, President Buhari has dispatched a formal notice of his vacation to the Senate President and the Speaker of the House of reps.

Rihanna’s 8th Studio Album ‘ANTI’ Goes Platinum In 14 Hours

Anti RIhanna
Pop star, Rihanna released her 8th studio album, ‘Anti’ about two days ago and in just hours the highly anticipated album had already sold millions of copies.
According to reports, about 14 hours after the album was officially dropped it had one million downloads or physical copies sold in the U.S . in just 14 hours, this figure excludes streaming numbers, and according to reps from  Tidal the talked about album was streamed 13 million times in 14 hours.

Check Out These Photos Of Kim Kardashian With No Makeup

Check Out These Photos Of Kim Kardashian With No Makeup  (3)
The photos were taken couple of moments before she shared the controversial selfie with Amber Rose.
Check out more photos below;

Check Out These Photos Of Kim Kardashian With No Makeup  (2)
Check Out These Photos Of Kim Kardashian With No Makeup  (1)

Niyola replies fan who told her to be more flashy as a female celeb

After singer Niyola shared this barefaced photo of herself on her instagram page this afternoon, a fan left a comment on the post, telling Niyola to be more flashy because she's a star and stop being all natural. Niyola wasn't here for that and replied the fan.

Hollywood Star, Will Smith Claims He Was Not Informed By Jada Before She Boycotted The Oscars

Will Smith and Jada Smith
Hollywood star, Will Smith has claimed he didn’t know anything as regards his wife, Jada Pinkett Smith boycotting the Oscars.
Jada Pinkett Smith couple of days back shared a video of herself detailing her decision to boycott the awards.
He said “I was out of the country when she made the video,” on BBC Radio 1’s Breakfast Show on Tuesday.
“I was in Thailand. And I get off of the plane and you know, the paparazzi were like, “Will, Will, you’re not going to the Oscars! What do you think about Jada’s video?”
“Um, I think, give me a second, let me call-” I had no idea. I had no idea and I’m like, “Babe, you gotta give a fellow a little heads up, you know? Just a lil something, just, “Hey babe, you know, hit me before you walk out of the airport.” You know, give me, give me something.”‘
“I got in the car and Googled and watched the video,’ he added. ‘I was like, “Honey, is there anything you need to tell me?” She said, “Oh, I didn’t want to bother you on vacation.”
“Uh, you did. You really did.” he further explained.
Will Smith also ceased the opportunity to clear the air that the decision taken on boycotting the academy awards was independent of personally receiving a nomination.
“This is an issue of a really regressive trend, not just in Hollywood but in my country,’ he said. ‘It’s not about me or being nominated.” he said.

Rescued Nigerian girl says she would rather be with the Boko Haram militant who kidnapped and impregnated her

Almost a year after she was rescued from Boko Haram captivity by the Nigerian army, Zara John, 16, is still in love with one of the fighters who abducted her and impregnated her, AlJazeera reports.

She was delighted to discover that she was pregnant with his child following a urine and blood test carried out by a doctor in the refugee camp to which she was taken after her rescue.
"I wanted to give birth to my child so that I could have someone to replace his father, since I cannot reconnect with him again," said Zara, one of hundreds of girls kidnapped by Boko Haram during a seven-year insurgency in northeast Nigeria.

But any decision over the baby was taken out of her hands. Her father drowned during flooding in 2010 so her uncles intervened. Some were adamant that they did not want Boko Haram offspring in their family - and insisted on an abortion. Others felt the child should not be blamed for its father's crimes. In the end, the majority carried the vote and Zara was allowed to keep her child, a son she named Usman who is now seven months old.

"Everybody in the family has embraced the child," Zara in a telephone interview, asking that her location remain undisclosed. "My uncle just bought him tins of Cerelac [instant cereal] and milk."

Zara was 14 when Boko Haram members fighting to establish an Islamic state raided her village of Izge, in northeast Nigeria, in February 2014.
They razed homes in the village, slaughtered men and loaded women, girls and children on to trucks.
Two of Zara's brothers were out of town when the assailants struck in one of a wave of hit-and-run attacks on villages, as well as suicide bombings, on places of worship or markets.
Zara's mother fell off one of the overloaded trucks but tried to chase after the vehicle that was ferrying away her only daughter and her four-year-old son, but was unable to keep up as it drove 22km to Bita.

At the time, Bita and other surrounding towns near the Sambisa forest were in Boko Haram control.

"As soon as we arrived, they told us that we were now their slaves," Zara recalled
Her days were spent doing chores and learning the tenets of her new religion, Islam, until two months later when she was given away in marriage to Ali, a Boko Haram commander, and moved from a shared house to his accommodation.
"After I became a commander's wife, I had freedom. I slept any time I wanted, I woke up any time I wanted," she said.

He bought me food and clothes and gave me everything that a woman needs from a man." She added that he also gave her a mobile phone with his number in it, and tattooed his name on her stomach to mark her as a Boko Haram wife.
Ali assured her the fight would soon be over and they would return to his hometown of Baga, where he intended his new wife to join his fishing business.
He told her he abandoned his trade and joined Boko Haram after his father and elder brother, both fishermen like himself, were killed by Nigerian soldiers.
In a June 2015 report based on years of research and analysis, Amnesty International said the Nigerian army was guilty of gross human rights abuse and extrajudicial killings of civilians in parts of northeast Nigeria, calling for an investigation into war crimes.
Ali was not at home when the Nigerian army stormed Bita in March 2015 and rescued Zara and scores of other women, taking them to a refugee camp in Yola in northeast Nigeria.
The raid came as international scrutiny on Nigeria increased after the high-profile abduction of 200 schoolgirls from Chibok in northern Nigeria in April 2014, which caused outrage internationally and sparked the global campaign #bringbackourgirls. The girls are yet to be found.
But Zara and Ali stayed in touch by phone until Nigerian soldiers realised some of the girls in the camp were still in touch with their abductors, seized their phones, and moved them to another camp until they were reunited with their families.

Zara now lives with her extended family and son in a town far away from Izge.
Her male relatives took over control of her life again, with requests for interviews fielded by them and all of her movements monitored by her family. But asked her opinion, she said she would rather be with her Boko Haram "husband".
"If I had my way, I would retrieve the phone number he gave me," she said, regretting not committing his number to memory.

But Zara is realistic and knows the possibility of being reunited with Ali is slim.
Instead she wants to return to school when Usman stops breast-feeding, and maybe then run her own business.

"I want to do a business that is suitable for a woman, something that will not take me out of the house," she said.


Photo: 5 months pregnant woman who went missing in Abuja has been found

5 months pregnant mother of one, Habiba Shaba Ibrahim, who went missing on Saturday Jan. 30th in Abuja (read here) has been found. Habiba is pictured right above at her home this morning in Abuja. Details of how she was found and where she had been was not revealed. According to her family, she went missing after taking a taxi along Kubuwa road in Abuja.

Tania Omotayo Shares First Photo since Wizkid Second Baby News… Is She Happy? (Photo)

Tania Omotayo has resurfaced online after a relatively silent 2016.
The socialite has been away from all social media platform since Wizkid’s second baby news hit the internet last month. All together she’s been away for almost 3 weeks. It has been confirmed that Tania and Wizkid are no longer dating and she seem to be happy without the Starboy chief in her life.

Michael Jackson's daughter Paris reveals she's struggling with addiction

The 17 year old daughter of the late king of pop revealed she is struggling with addiction on her instagram  page after one of her followers criticized her for not responding to comments.
Commenting on an Instagram photo, she ranted:

"This is f***ing ridiculous. I am expected to literally sit on my ass all day replying to comments people leave me (positive and negative)?"

Christian Actor & Evangelist Mike Bamiloye Gushes About His Wife Gloria As She Turns 52 (Photos)

mike-bamiloye2Mike Bamiloye alongside his beautiful wife, Gloria have been together for 27 years and they have been great models in the christian movie world.

 mike-bamiloye-familyGloria Bamiloye turns 52 today and her husband took to celebrate her in a unique way. He wrote a very interesting epistle of how he met and proposed to her, kindly read below:

I write to Celebrate my Dear “Sister Gloria” today.
She is very humble…She listen to me!
She is very wise….I listen to her!
She is too Open….I caution her a lot!
I am too practical…and too cautious….
She cautions me a lot…!
I am too Telescopic and…could be too active…and step on many toes at time. But she is very Microscopic and…meticulous…
So she cautions me….
She is very Prayerful and Consumes a lot of The Words…
She keeps me running a lot of times…to Pray and to…Word..too!
She did more in bringing up our children in the Word of God…
She is the Bible Teacher in our home….!
She is very caring and loving. So caring to all our Office Staff and responsible for caring for them all these years…
The day I went to propose to her, I never beat about the bush or rehearsed any Love persuasive Poem. I never said anything like, “…the Lord sent me” or ” I felt the Lord is leading me…” Or ” I dreamed and saw…” Or “I heard a voice from Heaven that…” I had said some of those things before to some sisters whom I thought the Lord was leading me to, and I was wrong. This time around, I went to this new sister, after my usual “Much Prayers and Waiting”. I was not even sure if the Lord was leading me or not again….My computers have been crashed and the memory virused by the previous disappointments I had met from the sisters I had thought were the will of God.
So I had arrived the campus and the brethren were happy to see me. I usually came at evening time, for Drama rehearsals or if there were drama outreaches, I would come to go with them or lead them to the programs. But this time, I came during the day, at lecture time and many of the brethren were coming to me to know why or what information I had brought for the Fellowship Drama Unit members. I simply said I came to see “Sister Shola”. And that was unusual of me. I don’t come asking for sisters in the fellowship. I had no business with sisters, but with Fellowship heads and with Drama Unit Co-Ordinator in particular or with the Fellowship President.
So, some brethren spread out to look for “Sister Shola”. And one sister found her in the school Library and grabbed her hand: “Bro. Mike is around. He is looking for you.” Prior to that time, I had no business with Sister Shola, we were not close. We had only acted together on stage presentations before. She was not among the sisters who were closer to me at Fellowship. She carried her books and both sisters were rushing down to see ” Bro. Mike” who had come to the campus at unusual time. The sister brought her and left.
Sister Shola stood before me smiling, and waiting for the instructions, probably to the Drama Unit, or information of a her being cast into a new Drama Unit presentation. I greeted her. She replied with a smile. I told her bluntly, that the Holy Spirit had not sent me, neither did I see any vision.
Then, I asked her: WILL YOU MARRY ME?”
She stood before me speechless for some minutes, looking at me with some astonishment and confusion. She was never never expecting to hear such question from “Bro. Mike” of all people! She was lost for words, because it was the last thing she would expect to hear from me.

I got my answer after one month of waiting. It was on a Sunday Morning. I had travelled to ILESHA and decided to worship in her church. I was in the congregation while I watch her standing tall and slender above the rest choir as they sang the special song for the morning. I never knew she saw me too. I had been praying for the whole month that the Lord would confirm this one this time. I could not imagine how I would feel if the Lord said this one was not the will of God again.
After the church service, I went to wait for her at the front of her house. I just wanted to greet her again and look at her again, and maybe the Lord would answer my prayers this time. She came not so long and ushered me into the house quietly. She was quiet. She was not showing any excitement, which got me more worried again. I sat down on a chair while she was writing something on the table. Then, she finished writing, and she turned to me with a small piece of paper containing ONE SINGLE LINE OF SENTENCE:
Silence. Grave Silence came down in the room. At last. That was the first time in my life, a lady would agree to marry me. All the once I thought were the will of God for me had, unfortunately, been engaged before I got there. Oh! The Dilemma of a Single Searching Brother! And one of the Sisters even kept me waiting for three years, without giving me a “Yes” or a “No”. Until I was delivered from the shackles. At last…!
Right there I knelt down in Prayers and she knelt down in my front with her eyes closed. There, I told the Lord, as I held her hands in prayer, that, “Today, Lord, our Ministry have started. Today, Lord, we shall serve you together with all our life and with all our heart.” We prayed further for His help and Mercy upon us. That was day and time, our ministry, Mount Zion began.
That was Sunday 4th, August 1985.
And She was 21 Years Old then, while I was 25!
Is it not evident that the Lord actually led me?
Very Dependable woman!
Strong and Visionary!
Caring and Loving !
Woman of Faith and Vision!
Submissive and Humble!
I am not flattering…!
Happy Birthday!!!
Sister Gloria!

A Nigerian migrant in Germany says he is being stopped by Police 'on every corner'

Germans are worried about the number of asylum seekers who have been allowed into the country following incidents of sexual assaults and muggings in Cologne New Year's Eve and at the city's ongoing annual festival which were mostly blamed on migrants who "looked like they were from north Africa" .
22-year-old Nigerian Fidelis is among more than a million migrants who arrived in Germany in 2015. According to BBC, he fled fighting in Libya and travelled to Italy before making his way to Germany nine months ago.
Fidelis told the BBC Newsbeat that he was stopped "on every corner" on the opening night of Cologne's annual carnival.
"I am very worried. Police have been checking my papers. They've asked me Where are you from? Are you from Africa? Can I see you papers? I'm very embarrassed"
There were protests all over Cologne in January and German Chancellor Angela Merkel made it easier to make asylum seekers who commit crimes leave the country. Thirty-five suspects are being investigated over the attacks with two men - a Tunisian and a Moroccan - charged.
Fideleis who worked at a bar in Libya, says he loves living in Germany but when he heard what happened on New Year's Eve - he knew people would treat him differently.
"I was praying to my god. I watched it on the TV station. It was like something I couldn't expect was happening by some people who I don't know. I don't know who these people are."
He thinks people should be more open minded.
"Africans are all different. You see white [people] in Africa you see black [people]. People need to see this"
Source: BBC Newsbeat

Ladies! Iyanya Wants You To See This Morning Selfie He Shared

Popular singer, Iyanya is a favorite and his female fans just can’t get enough of him.
The popular singer who is synonymous with his catchy music lines and rhythic waist dance shared this selfie of himself this morning.
He captioned it with:

I won’t tell ..#babydaddy

We’re guessing he might be dropping a new single with the title in the caption soon. Ladies, on a scale of 1-10, what would you rate this selfie with?

Fathia Balogun releases stunning new photos to celebrate birthday

As Nollywood actress, Fathia Balogun turns a year older today, she released new photos to celebrate the special day. Make up by I-posh and photography by Squard Media Trick. See more photos after the cut...

Waje features on CNN African Voices

Singer and UN ambassador, Waje features on CNN’s African Voices today 5th February 2016, she talks about several issues including the African Women project, her new album and her mission to help homeless kids in Nigeria. The songbird talks about how she uses her music platform to impact lives and be a voice to several Nigerians.

She also speaks about her forth coming album and what her fans should expect from it. Waje through her Waje Safe house project partners with Child Life Line to support homeless kids in Nigeria.
It airs on CNN at the following times:
Saturday 3.30am and 1.30pm
Sunday 10.30am and 6.30pm
Monday 10.30am
Tuesday 4.30 am 

Ik Ogbonna’s Wife Sonia Shows Off Alluring Curves As She Takes Selfie With Son

Ik Ogbonna’s wife, Sonia is definitely enjoying her new found fame and she doesn’t hesitate to show off her assets and remind her fans how beautiful she looks.
She shared this interesting selfie with her son and it appears the fans aren’t even worried about the baby boy in her hands but her curves. She captioned the photo with:

He’s still lurking haha oh boy see me sew wahala

President Buhari has lamented the poor state of Nigeria’s economy and also about its manufacturing sector performing below par and high unemployment rate. The President while speaking with BBC Hausa revealed that the country imports a number of things that should be produced here including toothpicks, Rice and Tomato paste. Below are some of the points made by the President:

Ini Edo Shares New Adorable Photo As She Slays InNollywood actress Ini Edo has bagged her own political appointment. The actress last week was confirmed as a Special Adviser on Tourism to Akwa Ibom state governor, Emmanuel Udoh.She joins celebrities like Iyanya as celebrities that have bagged political appointment this year. Congrats to her.

Fashion & Beauty Chika Ike Rocks Same Dress She Rocked In 2013 …Has She Changed At All? (Photos)

Popular actress, Chika Ike is a known fashionista and we know she definitely doesn’t wear her dresses for too long.
The actress shared a photo collage of a dress she bought and rocked in 2013. She rocked the dress again and decided to share a collage of the dress. She captioned it with:
Rerocking: which look do you prefer …..2016 (left) or 2013 (right)?#rerock

26-Year-Old LASU Alumnus Now Youngest Ph.D Graduate In South Africa University (Photos)

romola1We love to see Nigerians excel and make themselves and country proud outside of the shores of Nigeria. Here’s an interesting one about a lady who just did herself and the nation proud.

The Centre for Human Rights, University of Pretoria, UP, says Romola Adeola is its youngest doctoral graduate. In a statement on its website, the centre said: “Romola Adeola, 26, has set a record in being the youngest person to obtain a Doctor of Laws degree (LLD) in the 30-year history of the Centre for Human Rights.
Furthermore, she is only the 2nd youngest person to achieve this in the Faculty of Law, UP, since its establishment 107 years ago. She distinguished herself by completing the LLD in under 3 years. During her undergraduate years at Lagos State University (LASU), she was the Best Student in International Law.
Romola’s relationship with the Centre for Human Rights began from her participation in the 2008 African Human Rights Moot Court Competition. In 2012, she was selected as a DAAD scholar to study for the LLM/MPhil degree in Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa.
She graduated cum laude, earning two awards: the Kéba M’Baye award for the overall Best Dissertation and the Victor Dankwa prize for the Best Performance in the module: Human Rights in Africa. Her excellent record earned her admission to the Centre’s doctoral programme in 2013.
In her PhD thesis, she analyzed the obligation in article 10 of the African Union Convention in relation to the Protection and Assistance of Internally Displaced Persons in Africa. She has given interviews, presented papers at international conferences and been the voice of the Centre on issues of internally displaced persons, migrants and refugees. .
During her time here, she led the Disability Rights Clinic and served as Alumni Coordinator. In this latter capacity, she led a campaign calling for the release of prominent Swazi human rights activist – Thulani Maseko, and raised funding to support his family.
She attributes her success to her supportive parents, personal discipline, perseverance and prayer. In her words, ‘be faithful to God, be true to yourself and be of service to humanity.’ She also holds two diplomas from Åbo Akademi University.”

Ini Edo Steps Out In Matching Camouflage Pants & Footwear

Beautiful actress, Ini Edo definitely knows how to step out in style and leave us gushing over her looks.
The beautiful actress and entrepreneur decided to go military in her new look as she stepped out with camouflage pants and footwear.
It can be recalled that the Nigeria military has warned some celebrities against wearing camouflage.