Saturday, 26 March 2016

5 Powerful Benefits of Running (Beyond Weight Loss)

Running is an incredible exercise for weight loss and leaning out the body, and we've seen so many inspiring weight-loss success storiesthat involve running. But this whole weight-loss thing can often eclipse the other benefits — mental and physical — which are equally impressive, powerful, and important. Did you know that running is part of a scientifically proven depression treatment? Or that running can heal smokers' lungs? Read on for 10 amazing reasons to start running.

  1. It improves your mood , and can make you feel happy or even euphoric, thanks to a rush of endorphins and neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine.
  2. It reduces stress. In the same vein as the improved mood, running releases serotonin and reduces stress. Feeling crappy? Go for a run!
  3. You can eat more carbs! Yay, carbs!
  4. Running will help your memory and your brain will grow. A Harvard study linked running to better memory, and a Cambridge study had similar findings, citing the growth of gray matter.
  5. It can treat depression. Although finding motivation while depressed is more than challenging, scientists found similar evidence to the memory studies in terms of gray matter neurogenesis. They treated depressed patients with running and meditation, and the results were incredible.

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