Wednesday 9 March 2016

traffic domination for your site!!!

When I was 19 I traveled to Ghana to teach kids English and Football with my best friend.

Long story short, I got unwell and ended up spending a week in hospital. After a week, I
found out it would be safe for me to travel, so I caught the very next flight home.

When I landed in England, paramedics came on board the plane and took me to hospital.
I spent another week in hospital here in the UK before I went home to rest.

I wasn't allowed to do much for at least a month.

So I sat in front of the TV every day.

I decided I could at least do something productive in that time.

I started emailing top internet entrepreneurs for interviews.

Same email every time, with one personalization. Written by my copywriter friend, kind of
a 'Get Well Soon' present.

I ended up interviewing several of the founders of the worlds top 100 websites. Including
the founder of Craigslist!

I was 19, sitting on a sofa, emailing these people and they just said yes.

Perhaps because I asked.

How's this relevant?

Well, that exact email template, plus all the followup emails and other stuff I use for my
interviews has just been uploaded into the members area. No additional charge.

Why would you want this?

Well, firstly interviews done over email take only 5 minutes for the author.

Secondly, you get lot's of traffic when the interviewee mentions it on their social media accounts.

Thirdly, it becomes easy to rank high up in Google for the interviewee's name. More free traffic.

Go check it out.

If you are not a member yet, check out what your missing here:

Click Here For Traffic Domination


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