Wednesday 9 March 2016

Are You Creating A Problem That Isn’t There? How To Immediately Get Rid Of Overwhelm and Stress In Your Life

Now that the first month of the year is over, most of us are settling back into reality... 
...Which means our holiday honeymoon is over. Back to the overwhelm and stress, the expectations of ourselves and our level of success, the added pressure to do more or provide for others, and the frustration that comes with dealing with people who are not doing what they say they are going to do.  
So what do you do? How can you stay on a positive track after the holidays? How can you eliminate and overcome these negative feelings and challenges in your life? 
Find out by clicking here and reading this week’s Million Dollar Life Lesson. 
You’ll see that these negative feelings all stem from one place and fortunately for you...they can be controlled.  
They can actually be eliminated if you follow Harv’s guidance...but I must forewarn you that it may not be easy. 
It will take some practice and you will have to learn to adapt.  
However as the saying goes, “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” 
So take a few minutes right now to read T. Harv Eker’s Million Dollar Life Lesson.  

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