Wednesday 9 March 2016

Stop Being Blocked From Your True Potential

For many of you, this will be a very transformational event. You’ll even experience a live clearing session with Christie. 
Here's a short preview of what she’ll be covering in the session... 
1) Abundance Blocks And Why They’re Holding You Back From Wealth 
Familiarize yourself with what they are, why they exist and which ones could be sabotaging your ability to manifest the abundance you desire. 
2) How Energy Clearing Works 
Discover exactly how it’s possible to tap into your energy field, and directly remove Abundance Blocks from it. 
3) An Energy Clearing Session For Unblocking Your Abundance In 2016 
Christie will remotely access your energy field and enhance its natural wealth attraction — all you have to do is relax! 
4) How Much Are Your Abundance Blocks Costing You? 
Use an eye-opening abundance calculator to instantly see how close (or far) you are to being financially healthy. 
5) Tales Of Unlimited Abundance 
Christie will share a few real-life stories from past participants of this energy clearing session. Regardless of who you are, unlimited abundance is just a mindshift away. 
6) The Hot Seat 
If you’re curious or skeptical about the power of energy clearing, this section is for you. Vishen (Mindvalley’s Founder and CEO) will be asking Christie some really important questions on every aspect of Abundance Blocks — to really shed some much-needed light on these tricky mental blocks. 
Good or good? 

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