Wednesday 2 March 2016

If You're Not Following Your Passion, You'll Always Be Looking for an Exit: by Harv Eker: Best selling author of secrets of a millionaire mind.
Money is a funny thing.  
Most people will do WHATEVER they can to make more of it... 
However, it’s those people who tend to struggle more with it. 
Find out by reading this week’s NEW Million Dollar Life Lesson
This week Harv takes us back into the days of his struggle and reveals a huge mistake he made.  
He shares a personal story with us that offers a great example of why going after the money or the hottest opportunity is most definitely not the best way to create wealth. 
From Harv’s experience, it’s actually the worst way to wealth
So what’s a better way?  
Read this week’s Million Dollar Life Lesson and find out.  
you need to read this book 


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