Monday 30 May 2016

Does #Success Have a Particular Formula? Find Out Now!!!

Is there a formula that virtually guarantees your success?
The answer is YES.
It really comes down to 4 steps and 4 steps only.
Do them both in a repeatable cycle and you’ll become UNSTOPPABLE.
It’s not hard, it’s actually quite simple and MOST people resist doing it.
Is this why the majority of people aren’t at the level of success they’d like to be?
It very well could be.

Let’s say you are confident that you will one day be financially free.
Let’s say your financial freedom, if you hurry, is going to take 5 years.

On the other hand, if you were to relax a bit, enjoy the journey, and balance your life along the way, let’s say your financial freedom is going to take three years longer.

Would you rather be financially free in 5 years with worry, stress, problems, craziness, sickness, pressure and unhappiness all along the way, or would you rather take a few years longer to be financially free, but you will have enjoyed and loved those 8 years fully?

Which path sounds like a greater success story to you?
Some people will undoubtedly think, “Well, I’m stressed out as it is right now worrying about money, so yeah, even if I have to undergo a little more stress in the short-term, I’d rather get rich quicker than wait a second longer than I have to.”

Hey, lots of people feel like they work better under pressure; fair enough. That’s like the artist who thinks he or she produce masterpieces when they have drama in their life. More power to ya.
I just want to propose an alternative question: if you were not stressed out about anything–even reaching those goals that are most important to you–what would your mind do instead of focus on the drama?
What would your mind do if you weren’t worrisome or pressured every minute in order to reach some goal as quickly as possible?

It wouldn’t have that much to do, would it? The Ego wouldn’t have much of a job at all, as its primary job is to look for fear around every corner.
Without interference from the Ego, your Higher Self can begin to assert your natural, harmonious connection to the universe more and more effortlessly. When you get into the habit of not allowing guilt, anxiety or pressure to control your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you allow another type of energy to work through you as well as with you.

There’s a qualitatively different experience to life when the Higher Self directs our being. To live from the higher self is to live in courage, purpose and joy rather than fear, need and obligation. When you are in your higher self, this is the only time it is possible for you to connect with the higher intelligence of the universe.
Whatever it is you’re striving for in life, don’t attempt it by yourself! Yes, you have to do your part, but you don’t have to figure out every single thing on your own by yourself. There is a kind, supportive essence in this universe that wants to see you and me and everyone be prosperous and successful. That’s its sole purpose: to support whatever it is we create with our thoughts and actions.

So what’s the secret to tapping into this source of unlimited potential? In other words, what’s the secret to being successful?
But not just practice getting better at whatever it is you’re trying to be successful at. You also have to practice being happy right now and not wait for “success,” whatever that word means to you!
Practice being appreciative, joyful, light, calm, confident, centered, beautiful, smiling and knowing. These are attributes of the higher self.
And this is “The Simplest Formula for Success”:
  1. Learn.
  2. Do.
  3. Go back to 1.
  4. Go back to 2.
You’re going to continuously learn, do, and repeat that equation. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to run into obstacles. It happens to everyone, and it will happen to you.
Just practice this simple formula for success, and operate from a place of practical yet positive belief in what you’re doing.

So …take a nice, deep breath. Do the best you can. Allow the universe to handle the timing of your ultimate success. Be confident that it will work out. Your success, though never guaranteed, is within your grasp when you follow this simple formula for success.

Take your ego out of the way with its insistence on having its way, which usually entails unnecessary strife, anxiety, impatience, and worry.
You are going to be successful because you are going to do two things. You’re going to learn things, and then you’re going to do them. You’re going to put them into practice. You’re going to learn more, and then you’re going to put that more into practice.

And you’re going to enjoy every step along the way, as long as you allow your Higher Self its deserved expression as much as humanly possible in your everyday life.

What’s your opinion? Share your thoughts

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