Friends playing video games |Source: iStock
You may have over 1,000 friends on Facebook, but your true, real-life friends may be few and far between.
Making friends as an adult
isn’t as easy as it was back in the days of recess and summer camp.
Back then you made friends with whoever sat next to you in class or had
the same Spiderman backpack. After high school, a social breeding zone,
there’s college where you live, eat, and learn alongside thousands of
people your own age. Post-college life marks a dramatic shift in the
ease in which adults make friendships. Science has looked at
the issue of adult friendships and found that without serious work and effort, it all goes downhill once you hit your late 20s.
Even as friends become harder to make, they remain a
vital part of life.
Friends help determine your sense of self and your life’s direction.
They’re who you turn to when things aren’t going well at work or your
partner is driving you crazy. But without the ease of your school years,
how are you supposed to make friends without looking like a desperate
mess? Fear not; there are options.
Join a club or activity
Take a cue from where you met your friends in high school and
college. Did you meet playing sports or were you in a band together?
Extracurricular activities are
friendship breeding grounds.
Recreate this friend-heavy atmosphere by getting involved in some of
the same activities as an adult. Most cities have adult sports leagues,
community events, and classes that will bring you together with adults
who have similar interests.
Follow up
Friends hanging out | Source: iStock
Once you’ve had a few conversations with someone and have made it far
enough to exchange phone numbers, take it to the next step by following
up with them. Did they mention they were heading to Aruba for vacation?
Text a week later to
ask how it went.
People like it when you remember details of their life. Once you’ve
opened the door of communication a natural conversation can begin, which
may lead to future plans.
Become a regular
Is there a coffee shop you love or a bar that makes you feel comfortable? Don’t shy away from becoming a regular. If you
spend time with the same people
day after day, they’ll begin to feel familiar and you’ll naturally
develop a bond. Make an effort to be friendly with the barista or
bartender, tip well, and keep an eye out for other lone regulars who may
also be fishing for a friend.
Be vulnerable
A man hanging out with his dog | Source: iStock
This can be a hard one. It’s hard enough to feel vulnerable with a romantic partner, but considering that vulnerability is the
key to emotional bonding there’s
no way around it. If you never open yourself up to another person, the
friendship will feel superficial and meaningless. This means divulging
your challenges with weight loss or your frustration at work. It can
also mean signing up for an activity that makes you uncomfortable, which
will then naturally lead you to search for comfort and support from
those around you. It’s the perfect way to meet a new friend.
Use your kids or pets
If you have a kid, you have an instant ticket into the dad’s club.
You can chat with other dads about everything from diapers to the
dreaded teenage years and your common ground may lead to the
discovery that you have a similar interest in lacrosse or punk rock music. If you’re a puppy parent, head to the local dog park and let your pooch do the work.
Open up to your coworkers
Considering you spend at least 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week, and
2,880 hours a year with your coworkers, work should be one of the first
places you look to meet new friends. You can
bond over inside jokes,
annoying cube mates, and a mutual frustration with the higher ups. To
top it off, work makes for an easy transition to out of office bonding
over lunch or a post-work happy hour.
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