Thursday 28 April 2016

An Eye Opening: Business, Nature And Life !!!

Have you ever noticed that when you’re in nature, near trees, mountains, water or at the ocean, you feel different?

We love nature and feel good in nature because we are nature. But most people live in a very concrete world. They go from their house in the city, town or community that doesn’t necessarily have a lot of nature around, and they get into their car onto some freeway with a bunch of busyness.
They get into an office building made of steel and concrete that often doesn’t have a single piece of wood in it. Then they come home. It’s no wonder that that can take a toll on your psyche, on your sense of peace.

In this environment, it is very hard to allow your higher self to emerge. We’re not concrete and steel. I’m not negating them, but what I am suggesting is that if you are a part of nature, you need to be in nature in order to be yourself.

For a lot of us, it’s going to have to be an absolute commitment, a scheduled appointment to get into a place of nature that’s close or far, wherever that is for you, even if it’s just a park.
Go ahead and hug a tree. Hug a big rock. Take your shoes off and let your toes touch the grass.
For me, being in nature is not just about some vague idea of connectedness to what we think of as the “natural,” but it’s more so getting the answers that I need in my life. Here’s the technique I use.
I try to find big, old, ancient things of nature like trees or boulders, as big as I can find. I put my hands on it and ask, “May I ask you a question?” I’ve never gotten a no. It’s just my way of paying respect.

Then I close my eyes, and I ask whatever question is going on in my life. I wait for an answer. The very first answer that comes into me is the answer that is coming from my higher self.
I can’t tell you how many times I have gotten clarification in my life from using this technique. How does it work? I don’t know!

I just know I never get that same type of clarity if I don’t touch a natural element itself. Just by doing that, I seem to tap into a bigger part of me, the part of me that is all wisdom, all wise, all intelligent; the part of me that is my true nature.

By touching and being part of nature and getting this information, I seem to get the answer that is most beneficial for me every single time.

I’m going to ask you right now if you’re willing to make a commitment that I believe will help you this week. Are you willing to spend at least 15 or 20 minutes in nature wherever you are in the world? If you can do more, then do more, but spend at least 15 or 20 minutes just sitting in nature, looking at it and breathing it in.

But you also have a second part to your commitment. You’re going to find a tree, a rock or something else of nature, like a stick or a branch. You’re going to hold it, touch it, admire it and appreciate it. You’re going to let it know that you admire and appreciate its wisdom, and you’re going to ask it permission to ask a question. You wait for a response.

How do you know if the answer is coming from your genuine, higher self? If you can’t hear the response to, “Yes, you can ask me a question,” then you’re not quiet enough.
If you’re not quiet inside, then take a walk because you’re not going to get the answer that you need. You’re going to have an ego-conditioned response; an old answer that you’ve been grappling with 100 times already.

If it’s the right answer, it will be crisp, clean, simple and obvious. You’re going to know because it’s just going to feel like, “Of course, that’s it!”

Then you write it down as soon as you can, and you just act on it as your normal course of action.
Then tell us how it goes. Share your thoughts, comments or experiences with the community!

On Saturday April 30th, Harv is hosting a LIVE Tough Love Mentoring call where he will be helping listeners overcome their biggest challenges and obstacles around money, business, success, and life.
We still have a few spots open.
If you’re interested in registering, click here to learn more.


1 comment:

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    Thank you Corinne
