Job applicant waiting for job interview | Source: iStock
The hiring manager calls your name and suddenly you start to break
out in a cold sweat. You can feel your shirt sticking to your back and
the palms of your hands getting moist. The interviewer asks how your
commute was and your voice starts to tremble as you let out a weak
reply. What can you do? How can you
make your nerves settle down? The Cheat Sheet has a few handy tips for how to calm yourself and ace your interview.
1. Prepare
Take time to prepare for your interview by asking a friend or family member to go over some commonly asked
job interview questions
with you. Being prepared will help you feel more confident and you’ll
be less likely to be taken off guard by an interviewer’s questions.
Career coach Susan P. Joyce emphasizes that practice makes perfect. “ …
Think about what your answers are or should be.
Then, write your answers out. Read them out loud a few times. Then, say
them out loud without reading them. Practice until you can comfortably
say your answers out loud without reading them. It’s good to get
feedback on your answers, which means saying your answers to someone
else. This is great practice,” Joyce said.
2. Visualize
Visualize yourself at the interview doing well and answering all of the questions correctly. You can go one step further and
create a vision board
to help you imagine getting the job and being successful in your new
career. Author Tess Denton said a vision board is a good way to focus on
goals for both the present and the future. “A vision board is
a method of goal setting and life transformation.
It is a visual expression of what you would like to see present in your
life. The process of creating a vision board provides an opportunity to
spend focused time and energy reflecting on specific items, elements,
and situations you want to attract into your present and future,” Denton
3. Breathe
Man relaxing | Source: iStock
When you’re feeling nervous, your natural response is to take short
breaths and breathe faster. Psychologist James Pann says it’s important
to slow down and
take deep breaths.
When faced with a perceived threat, our bodies go into “fight or
flight” mode, and this can cause us to react with sweating and increased
heart rate. However, once you slow down and focus on taking deeper,
controlled breaths, this will help you get back in control of your
anxious feelings.
4. Hire a coach
A professional career coach can also help you with interview
questions, address any concerns you may have about the hiring process,
and offer advice on basics such as presentation skills. A career coach
is able to offer solid advice from an object viewpoint. “A great coach
help you to achieve balance
in your life, find ways to unravel your patterns, and discover new ways
of thinking about who you are in work and in the world,” career coach
Mathew Heggem told Monster.
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