10 biggest mistakes people make when creating change
Thinking you will navigate creating change without making mistakes, is setting yourself up for disappointment and heartache.
If you are being hard on yourself
for making mistakes as you go about creating change, cut yourself some slack. It happens. We all make mistakes when we are working on creating change. You are not alone.
However, there are some mistakes that are very common when navigating the path of change. If you are aware of what those are you can be proactive in taking action to avoid them.
To help you with that, here are:
1. Trying to change too much at once.
Creating change while you also still need to manage all your day to day responsibilities is a big ask. So trying to change too much at once isn’t a great idea. It can create stress, overwhelm, and be detrimental to progress. A helpful approach is to break the change you want to create into smaller phased mini projects and take a step-by-step approach.2. Expecting change to happen quickly and easily.
We live in a world that wants now, fast and easy. But the reality of creating change is that it takes time, patience, hard work and commitment.3. Listening to unconstructive criticism from unsupportive or negative people.
Listening to unconstructive criticism and negativity about the change you are making can knock you off track and be totally draining. So choose wisely who you share your plans with and who you listen to. Read Be Careful Who You Listen To for more on this subject.4. Not building support around yourself.
Trying to create change without support is setting yourself up for a difficult ride. We all need support, especially for the times when creating change feels hard or hits rough patches. Surround yourself with positive, constructive people who will cheer you on and give you constructive support.5. Not having an action plan and schedule.
If you don’t have a clear action plan that is then mapped into your schedule then you are risking not achieving the results you really want at all.6. Not identifying what you need to learn.
People rarely stop and ask themselves “what do I need to learn to create this change successfully?” yet it is a really powerful thing to do. What comes out of asking yourself that question could be the difference between achieving the results you really want or not.7. Not having a self care regime.
Creating change takes a lot of extra mental and physical energy. So taking good care of yourself to boost and maintain your energy is really important. Yet folks often treat it as a luxury. It isn’t. Prioritising self care has a direct impact on your personal effectiveness when creating change8. Not celebrating progress.
If you are constantly looking at how far you still have to go it achieve the change you desire you can end up feeling demotivated and demoralised. A great way to combat this is to celebrate progress regularly, no matter how small it might be. It will help you see how far you have already come and that you are making progress. That will boost your motivation and moral as you continue on the path of change.9. Being knocked off track by challenges and setbacks.
Chances are you will experience some kind of challenge or setback while you are creating change. Allowing that to knock you off track will sabotage your progress and, possibly, your results. Choose to respond to setbacks and challenges with this mantra:Learn the lesson. Apply the learning. Move on.
10. Giving up when the going gets tough.
Change can feel hard, but that isn’t a reason to give up.When creating change, it really helps to be proactive in identifying what you need to do to set yourself up to succeed. When you do that, include taking action to avoid making these 10 common mistakes.
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