Wednesday 16 March 2016

The Top 7 Ways I Make Money Online! Don't miss out!!!
it will come of no surprise to you that I make 100% of my income online.
Over that past 8 years I have made it my goal to stay at the forefront of internet marketing, constantly testing new marketing methods. 
In that time, marketing fads have come and gone, but the 7 main ways I make money have always stayed the same. 
I'm going to share them with you now, in order of how much money each makes me.

Let's begin.

#7 - Amazon Associates
On my photography website, ExpertPhotography, this has constantly been a source of income we can rely upon. 
It's a substantial cheque each month, and comes from very little effort.
Whenever we review a product, or write a top list of popular equipment to buy, we quickly add an associates link and (dependant on price) that will send us hundreds of dollars in commissions over the next few years.
#6 - Website Adverts
Whether you're using Google Ads, or Buy/Sell ads, or some other ad network, this has always been a good way for us to monetise websites in their infancy. 
As you website grows, you can test which ads make you more money, and change them accordingly. 
Every blog I've owned has had some kind of advertising on it at some point in its life.
When things start to pick up, I like to use affiliate ads of products I've reviewed, or advertise my own products.
#5 - Affiliate Products
So long as you ONLY promote products you use, trust, and love, then this is a great source of income. 
We don't promote anything that hasn't either improved our bottom line, such as OptimizePress 2.0, or made our lives easier, such as EasyVideoSuite
Not only do these products sell better due to our enthusiasm for them, but we're actually happy to promote them because we know our readers will love them too. 
No one feels spammed, and that's really important when promoting affiliate products. 
They have to be amazing. Something you're glad you know about. 
#4 - Advertising on Facebook
I'm paraphrasing here, but Frank Kern once said 'The difference between my 6 figure clients, and my 7 figure clients, is advertising'.
What he means is that the people who make the most money online, use advertising to promote what they're selling. 
So long as you are receiving a positive return on investment, you can spend all the money in the world on advertising and still make a profit. 
In fact, the more money you spend, the more money you make. 
This is something we're happy to do any day. 
You can learn more about Facebook advertising here, and here.
#3 - Education Products
You could be an affiliate your whole life and make 50% of anything you're selling, or you could create your own products, and make 100%. 
Not only that, but you'll have people coming to you, to sell FOR you. 
What do you do best? What do you know the most about?
Create an information product, whether that's an ebook, or a video course, and sell that through your website. 
Not only will it make you more money, but you will learn a TON about internet marketing. 
#2 - Software Products
There's a big difference between information products and software products. 
Info products teach you something so that you can solve a problem, software products solve the problem for you. 
I could write an ebook on how to market your business on Pinterest, or I could create some software that does it for you...
Which are you more likely to buy?
The point is that software is a lot easier to sell than an information products. 
Sure, it costs much more to produce, and you have to support it, but the results speak for themselves. 
Is going to have to wait until tomorrow. 
This email is already longer than I wanted it to be, and I want to go into greater detail about #1 later.

By Online Marketer