Monday, 21 March 2016

Achieve Your Dreams by Taking One Step at a Time

Putting aside excuses will help you achieve your goals whether you want to get fitter, lose weight or get ahead in your job.
It’s too much effort…it’s too much hard work…I just don’t have the time.

These are some of the most common excuses most of us make at
one time or another to put off getting fitter and healthier, or to stop us getting ahead in many different areas of our life.
But it doesn’t take too much to develop a more ‘can do’ attitude. And once you have that more proactive and positive mindset, you’ll make some inroads towards your goals - whatever they may be.
“The two biggest excuses are, ‘I don’t have time’ and ‘It’s too much effort’,” says Professor Stuart Biddle, Professor of Active Living at Victoria University.
“Not having time is not a reality in most cases. Yes, everyone is busy but you probably find an hour or two in the evening to watch TV. Saying you don’t have time to exercise for example is a statement that you are not putting it as a high priority. Value physical activity more and you’ll find the time.”
“You don’t have to train like an Olympic athlete – do something and build up slowly,” says Professor Biddle.
Developing a ‘growth mindset’ is useful in beating back excuses that sabotage progress. The term was coined by US psychologist, Professor Carol Dweck and is about believing you can develop and improve through work and effort. It boosts motivation and chances of success.
“With a growth mindset the goal is to keep going and to keep working towards improving. It’s all about doing your best and trying,” says Professor Biddle.
When it comes to goal setting, focus on setting process or behavioural goals – worry less about your performance and focus on ‘doing’.
“So focus on walking to work today rather than focusing on how fast you can walk,” says Professor Biddle.
And use today’s technology for motivation if your goal is to become fitter and more active. So use a pedometer or wearable technology to prompt and provide feedback during the day.
“Focus on your personal effort and how you are improving in whatever goal you are striving for,” suggests Professor Biddle.
“Don’t worry about what someone else is doing and don’t compare. It’s challenging yourself and your personal effort that matters.”

Steps to success

Find an easy to do solution and build from that. So start by walking the dog more, exercising at home or walking part of the way to work.

Self-monitor your progress to provide some tangible feedback.

Prioritise whatever your goal is but don’t get hung up on that goal – aiming to do more is effective.

Have a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset.

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