Tuesday 15 March 2016

10 Tricks Used By All Women

When it comes to aging gracefully, it’s not always about genetics and a good frame of mind. Picking the right anti-aging ingredients, loading up on antioxidants and minimizing stress can all have a huge impact on your physical appearance. Here, ten habits to keep you looking and feeling younger, longer.

Age Gracefully


Be Diligent With Your Skincare Routine

Look for daily skincare products that include peptides, which work to stimulate collagen production and prevent fine lines. Start incorporating an eye cream into your regimen stat. The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and has very few oil glands, which is why crow's feet can appear early. Ingredients like caffeine and nicotinic acid work to reduce puffiness, lines, wrinkles and under-eye circles.

Be Mindful Of Your Everyday Makeup

Powder foundations and other heavy makeup products can settle into wrinkles around your eyes and mouth, accentuating any fine lines. Swap face powders for tinted moisturizers and opt for cream formulas to provide coverage and color without drying your skin—which can cause wrinkles.

Use Plenty Of Sun Protection

Sunscreen shields your skin from harmful rays linked to everything from discoloration to cancer. Be sure to apply a wide-spectrum SPF 50 (targeting both UVA and UVB rays) at least once every hour if you are exposed to the sun. Since you can never be protected enough, double up with a wide-brim hat.


Outsmart Hair Changes

Hormone changes—especially during menopause—can cause hair to become thinner and more brittle. Use nourishing shampoos and conditioners to keep strands strong and soft and opt for a flexible brush to prevent damage while styling. Additionally, supplements like biotin work to keep hair full and healthy.

Find A Hairstyle That Complements You

Did you know that the right haircut can make your face appear younger? Seriously! Soft side-swept ban

Keep Teeth White

As time passes, teeth may turn yellow or gray from coffee, tea and red wine stains. Keep a youthful-looki

Manage Stress

Stress can take a toll on your brain, increase blood pressure and disrupt your sleeping habits, all of which age you. Try taking up a weekly yoga or meditation session to boost your mood and calm your mind.

Keep Vices To A Minimum

Excessive alcohol can trigger rosacea outbreaks and exacerbate fine lines, acne and wrinkles, all of which instantly make you look older. Smoking (and even secondhand smoke) triggers the breakdown of collagen, which can lead to loose, saggy skin. The puckering action made when taking a drag from a cigarette also causes deep wrinkles around the mouth. Large amounts of caffeine can cause dehydration and increased anxiety—neither of which is great for your body and skin, so consume coffee and soda in moderation.

Eat Right

Since you are what you eat, your diet makes a huge difference in how you age and feel. The antioxidants and vitamins in fruits and vegetables can keep your skin looking younger. Resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant found in grapes, has even been shown to help prevent premature aging. Omega-3 fatty acids offer many anti-aging benefits, so aim for two servings a week of fatty fish such as salmon, trout or tuna.

Get Plenty Of Sleep

They don't call it "beauty sleep" for nothing! While you snooze, your body releases a growth hormone that helps restore collagen and elastin, the essential building blocks of young, healthy skin. Failing to sleep for seven to nine hours each night has also been shown to increase your risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes.

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