Harvard psychologist Amy Cuddy is perhaps best known as the creator of the "power pose."
As she described in her 2012 TED Talk, power-posing
is about taking advantage of the body-mind connection: You adopt the
body language of powerful people so that you feel and act more
But power posing is
just one path to a state of calm self-confidence that will help you
succeed in challenging situations. That state, which Cuddy calls
"presence," is the subject of her new book by the same name.
Cuddy defines
presence as being attuned to and able to express your full potential.
When you're present, you approach challenges without a sense of threat.
Whether you're
interviewing for a job or pitching your startup, people can tell right
away if you're present, and they judge you more positively when you are.
In an interview with Business Insider, Cuddy said there are three things people see when you're present:
1. You believe your story
When you're present, you demonstrate conviction and passion so that other people come to believe your story, too.
In the book, Cuddy describes a yet-unpublished study she
conducted, in which participants went through mock interviews. For five
minutes, they had to persuade the interviewer that they were the best
person for the job, while being completely honest. All the while, the
interviewer held a completely neutral expression.
Three independent pairs of judges watched videos of the
interviews, looking for presence, believability, and hireability. Sure
enough, the interviewees who were rated more present were also rated
more believable and more hireable.
Cuddy writes: "Presence mattered to the judges because it
signaled authenticity, believability, and genuineness; it told the
judges that they could trust the person, that what they were observing
was real."
(Jon Gosier/Flickr) "A truly confident person does not require arrogance."
2. You're confident without being arrogant
In the book, Cuddy
quotes a venture capitalist describing what turns him off during an
entrepreneur's pitch: "They're too high energy and aggressive, maybe a
little pushy. It seems defensive, I don't expect them to have all the
answers. Actually, I don't want them to have all the answers."
Being open to
feedback is key, Cuddy told Business Insider. The more you shut down
other people and their perspectives, the less appealing you become.
That's because it can seem like you're trying to cover up a sense of
"A truly confident
person does not require arrogance, which is nothing more than a smoke
screen for insecurity," Cuddy writes. "A confident person can be present
to others, hear their perspectives, and integrate those views in ways
that create value for everyone."
3. Your verbal and nonverbal communication is in sync
When we're being
inauthentic — or when we're intentionally deceiving someone — Cuddy said
our verbal and nonverbal communication is incongruent.
In the book, she
explains that's because you're constantly trying to adjust what you're
saying and doing to create the impression you think others want to see.
On the other hand,
when we're present, our verbal and nonverbal behavior matches. People
aren't distracted trying to figure out why something feels "off," and
they're more likely to put their trust in you.
Ultimately, if you're confident in yourself, other people will be more likely to be confident in you, too. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll get the job
or the investor's money, but you'll walk away knowing that you did the
best you could — and the right opportunity for you is out there.
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